General Provisions
90.01 Assessable current services
90.02 Tree diseases
90.15 Definitions
90.16 Nuisances
90.17 Violations
90.18 Disclosure of responsible party
90.19 Inspection of unoccupied buildings
90.20 Order to cease
90.21 Enforcement officer authorized to enter
90.22 Authority to abate
90.23 Service
90.24 Abatement procedure
90.25 Substantial abatement procedure
90.26 Emergency abatement procedure
90.27 Other remedies
90.35 Short title
90.36 Jurisdiction
90.37 Definitions; exclusions
90.38 Owners responsible for trimming, removal and the like
90.39 Filing complaint
90.40 Notice of violations
90.41 Appeals
90.42 Abatement by city
90.43 Liability
Open Burning
90.60 Definitions
90.61 Prohibited materials
90.62 Permit required for open burning
90.63 Purposes allowed for open burning
90.64 Permit application for open burning; permit fees
90.65 Permit process for open burning
90.66 Permit holder responsibility
90.67 Revocation of open burning permit
90.68 Denial of open burning permit
90.69 Burning ban or air quality alert
90.70 Rules and laws adopted by reference
Noises Prohibited
90.85 General prohibition
90.86 Horns, audible signaling devices
90.87 Permit required for open burning
90.88 Defective vehicles or loads
90.89 Loading, unloading and unpacking
90.90 Radios, phonographs, paging systems
90.91 Participation in noisy parties or gatherings
90.92 Loudspeakers, amplifiers for advertising
90.93 Animals
90.94 Schools, churches, hospitals
90.95 Hourly restrictions on certain operations
90.96 Exception for emergency work
90.97 Enforcement
90.99 Penalty