(a)   (1)   Monthly billing for water and sewer commercial and residential customers shall be billed at $12.44 for the first 1,333.3 gallons, plus an additional amount of $0.51 per 100 gallons used thereafter for any and all usage amounts. On commercial or non-residential a $0.025 surcharge per 100 gallons on the amount of usage in excess of the minimum.
         (Ord. 12-2020. Passed 3-3-20.)
      (2)   For example: For a residential client with 4,000 gallons usage per month, the calculation will be as follows: $12.08 (minimum bill for the first 1,333.3 gallons) + $13.20 (2,666.7 gal. x $4.95 per thousand gallons) = $25.28 per month for water and the same amount per month for sewer, therefore the total bill $50.56.
      (3)   The charges made to an apartment complex are made across the number of units. The bills shall be made to the complex per master reading.
      (4)   The Director or the head of the respective department shall have the authority to make adjustments or sewer offsets that are required for specific reasons.
   (b)   The Office Manager for the Sewer Department and Water Department calculates and enters adjustments with approval and signature of the Director or the head of the respective Departments. Examples of adjustments, but not limited to, are as following: water leaks that do not enter into sewer system; meter misread; pool fill-ups; lawn irrigation; meter over/under estimated.
   (c)   The Directors or the heads of the Water and Sewer Department are hereby authorized and directed to adjust, from time to time, the dollar amount of the base charge and/or the sewer use rate fixed and established in this Ordinance to reflect any increase or decrease in such amount charged by the Village of Waverly, Ohio and to approve in writing monthly adjustments for normal and ordinary adjustments that occur (for example, meter calculation issues (over estimates or misreading), pool fill ups, or leaks and shall take effect immediately with a written report to be provided to Council monthly. Provided however, Council shall approve unusual or unique requests for adjustments (for example, late fees, special requests for discounts, or extenuating circumstances) in writing prior to any such adjustment to reflect any increase or decrease in such amount charged by the Village of Waverly and no such adjustment for this special situations shall take effect until the billing date following the Directors or the heads of the respective Department's filing with the Clerk of Council of a notice of the base charge adjustment or sewer use rate adjustment, as the case may be.
   (d)   Swimming Pools. Property owners with swimming pools will be eligible for an annual fill-up adjustment for sewer charges when the pool is filled with water through the meter. Adjustments will not be made for refilling after initial fill-up. Residents are required to call the Water Department to inform staff when they want to fill their pool(s). The billing clerk, with the approval of the respective department Director, will adjust the sewer bill for the water used to fill the pool. The size of the pool (dimensions and number of gallons) will be ascertained and verified and will be used to determine the sewer bill adjustment. If the number of gallons used in filling the pool is less than the number of gallons normally required to fill the pool, the average sewer bill will be calculated and the amount of sewer over the average will be adjusted. Provided, however, that pools that contain less than ten thousand (10,000) gallons shall not be eligible for the sewer adjustment under this section. The water used to fill the pool shall be billed on the customer's water bill in the same manner and at the same rate as all other water used by said customer, as said rates are amended from time to time. Pools established for commercial use where user fees for profit are charged for access to such a pool, and are located within the establishment of a valid, legal business operating inside the Village of Waverly, may qualify for bulk rate pricing for only the amount of water used to fill the pool. No discounted sewer rate applies to water discharged into the sanitary sewer from pools which received bulk rate pricing.
   (e)   Irrigation Charges. Separate irrigation charges apply to any meter that is used solely for the irrigation of lawns, gardens, landscaped areas, orchards, and similar horticultural uses where the metered water is not returned to the Village of Waverly waste water system. The water used shall be billed on the customer's water bill in the same manner and at the same rate as all other water used by said customer, as said rates are amended from time to time. Provided, however, that no sewer charges shall apply for the water used for the aforementioned purposes only. Further, the customer shall not connect the separate meter used for irrigation purposes to any plumbing fixture located inside the residence or dwelling.
(Ord. 23-2019. Passed 6-4-19.)