9-14-1: Conversion Of Existing Structure To Housing Cooperative
9-14-2: Filing Of "As Built" Plans
9-14-3: Compliance With City Building Code Requirements
9-14-4: Inspection Of Structure
9-14-5: Issuance Of Certificate Of Compliance Or Noncompliance
9-14-6: Failure To Comply With Conversion Requirements
9-14-7: Violation; Penalty
When an entity that is formed as a housing cooperative under Iowa Code chapter 499A desires to acquire title to real property located in the city to establish a housing cooperative with respect to an existing building or structure on such property, the housing cooperative shall file a written statement of intent to acquire the real property with the city building official of the city of Waterloo at least sixty (60) days before the deed conveying the real property to the housing cooperative is recorded in the office of the Black Hawk County recorder, to enable the city to establish that the existing building or structure meets the applicable building code requirements of the city, as described in this chapter. (Ord. 5209, 4-21-2014)
The housing cooperative shall submit to the city building official at the time of filing of the statement of intent a full and exact copy of "as built" plans of the existing structure in sufficient detail to allow the city building official to determine whether the existing structure meets the building code requirements of the city which are in effect as of the date of filing of the statement of intent, together with the applicable housing cooperative conversion fee, in such amount as shall be established from time to time by resolution of the city council. (Ord. 5209, 4-21-2014)
In order to satisfy the requirements of this chapter, the existing building or structure which is to be converted to a housing cooperative must meet all city building code requirements which are in effect as of the date of filing of the statement of intent with the city building official. (Ord. 5209, 4-21-2014)
Upon the filing of such a statement with the city building official, the city building official or designee shall promptly conduct all necessary site and building inspections to determine whether the existing structure meets all city building code requirements described in this chapter. (Ord. 5209, 4-21-2014)
Within sixty (60) days of the date of filing of such statement with the city building official, the city building official shall either:
A. Issue to the housing cooperative a certificate of compliance of the existing structure, if the existing structure meets all city building code requirements described in this chapter; or
B. Issue to the housing cooperative a certificate of noncompliance of the existing structure, stating with specificity wherein the existing structure does not meet the city building code requirements described in this chapter. (Ord. 5209, 4-21-2014)
Upon determining that a housing cooperative has filed, or has caused to be filed, a deed with the county recorder with respect to real property on which an existing building or structure is located, for purposes of converting such building or structure to a housing cooperative, without first having received from the building official a certificate of compliance as provided in this chapter, the building official shall issue a notice of noncompliance to the housing cooperative. The housing cooperative will have sixty (60) days from the date of issuance of said notice in which to comply with the requirements of this chapter. If a certificate of compliance is not secured within the sixty (60) day period, the building official shall record a notice of noncompliance in the office of the Black Hawk County recorder. (Ord. 5209, 4-21-2014)