In the event that the city of Weiser or the county desires to alter the outermost boundary of the city impact area, or to change the jurisdiction over said area, it shall do so by renegotiation in accordance with Idaho Code 67-6526, as amended. (Ord. 20, 5-19-1986)
Jurisdiction for all matters concerning zoning, building, subdividing or other matters granted under the local planning act of 1975 under Idaho Code chapter 67, section 6501 et seq., as amended, within the city impact area of Weiser, Idaho, is hereby granted to Washington County subject to the terms and conditions of this chapter. (Ord. 52, 10-20-2003)
A. All building permits and any other matters granted under "the Idaho building code advisory act of 2002" under Idaho Code section 39-4101 et seq., as amended, within the city impact area of Weiser, Idaho, shall be under the jurisdiction of Washington County.
B. It shall be unlawful to commence construction on any building or structure or to occupy said building or structure, until a building permit has been obtained from the Washington County building inspector and after complying with all regulations of Washington County. (Ord. 59, 7-17-2006)
C. Washington County shall require the construction of curb, gutter, and sidewalk as a condition precedent to the issuance of a building permit in the city impact area of Weiser for new construction and for remodels, consisting of sixty percent (60%) of the square footage or sixty percent (60%) of the assessed value of the structure as identified in section 2100 of the highway standards and development procedures for the Weiser Valley highway district and Washington County, Idaho.
The construction of curb, gutter, and sidewalk shall be in conformity with the highway standards and development procedures for the Weiser Valley highway district and Washington County, Idaho, except where the construction of such is prohibited by irrigation district rules and easements. (Ord. 77, 12-29-2014)
A. All planning, zoning, subdivisions, granting of variances, notices and hearings, and any matters granted under the local planning act of 1975 under Idaho Code chapter 67, section 6501 et seq., as amended, within the city impact area of Weiser, Idaho, other than building permit requirements under section 4-1-5 of this chapter, shall first be established, amended, granted, or otherwise processed for approval or other appropriate action by the city of Weiser planning and zoning commission, the city of Weiser city council, and mayor, according to the regulations and ordinances established by the city. After approval and upon recommendation by the city, any such matters will be submitted directly to the Washington County commissioners for approval, disapproval or remand, with such action to be taken by the county commissioners within forty five (45) days after submission and after notice of hearing as provided in Idaho Code 67-6509. The decisions of the Washington County commissioners shall be based upon regulations and ordinances established by the city of Weiser.
B. Until such time as the city of Weiser has adopted different regulations as to zoning, subdivisions, and building requirements, the Washington County ordinances in effect at that time shall be controlling within the city impact area. (Ord. 52, 10-20-2003)
A. Amendment:
1. Any amendment proposed to be made to the Washington County comprehensive plan or the Washington County zoning ordinance 1 , which shall have an effect within the area of impact, shall be referred to the city of Weiser at least forty five (45) days prior to any public hearings on any such proposed amendment. Any comment by the city of Weiser on such proposed amendment shall be entered in the official record of each public hearing conducted for the purpose of receiving public comment regarding such proposed amendment.
2. Any amendment proposed to be made to the Weiser subdivision 2 and/or zoning ordinance, which shall have an effect within the area of impact, shall be referred to the county at least forty five (45) days prior to any public hearing on such proposed amendment. Any comment by the county on such proposed amendment shall be entered in the official record of each public hearing conducted for the purpose of receiving public comment regarding such proposed amendment.
B. Renegotiation: In accordance with Idaho Code 67-6526(d), as amended, the city of Weiser or the county of Washington may request, in writing, the renegotiation of the plan policies and ordinance provisions established by this chapter. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of such written request by either party, arrangements shall be made for a meeting between the two (2) jurisdictions. The provisions of this chapter shall remain in full force and effect during the negotiation period and until amended in accordance with Idaho Code 67-6509, as amended, or until altered as a result of a declaratory judgment issued by the district court. (Ord. 52, 10-20-2003)
1 | 1. See title 5 of this code. |
2 | 1. See title 11 of the Weiser city code. |
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter or fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions hereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished for such violation by a fine of up to three hundred dollars ($300.00) or jail sentence of up to ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and sentence. The Washington County prosecuting attorney shall have the authority and responsibility of prosecuting any such violations. (Ord. 52, 10-20-2003)