(A) The sewer service charge shall be calculated based on the volume of wastewater discharged directly into the POTW system and shall be measured by the water used by each sewer user as shown by the water meter readings. The sewer charge for non-residents of the city, that is, users whose properties served by the city system is located outside the corporate limits of the city, shall be the rate established in § 54.03, for city residents plus a surcharge in the amount not to exceed 100% of the debt service charges set forth in the chart in § 54.03. The city may, at its option, establish a rate to charge non-residents of the city, which may be determined on the basis of a flat fee in accordance with the facts and with equity and justice to the city and such non-resident users.
(B) The sewer service charge will be audited annually by the City Council to assure that the system is and will continue to be self-sufficient and that sufficient revenue is being generated from each user class in proper proportions.
(C) The sewer service charge herein assessed shall be in addition to the charge made for water.
(D) The users whose entire water usage is not disposed of through the POTW system may apply for and be allowed a credit on their bill for water metered at an external point beyond their water meter that does not enter the POTW system. A flow meter shall be installed on the external water usage to record the amount of sewer service credit. The entire cost of this meter and its installation shall be at the expense of the customer.
(E) Where a private water supply is used, the sewer user charge will be calculated by requiring the property owner to meter the private water supply, and such metering shall be at the property owner's expense. Such measurement shall be used in the same manner as a public water meter in determining the charge. The city may, at its option, in lieu of such metering, apply a sewer charge established according to § 54.08 of this chapter. Each residence or separate commercial or industrial establishment shall be subject to a separate sewer user charge even though such establishment may be served by a sewer connection common to other premises. If it is found by the city that the water or waste measured or metered for any customer is greater than that actually being discharged directly or indirectly into the sewage system, the city may modify and adjust such volume in accordance with the facts and with justice and equity, but no charge less than the minimum shall be made for any customer subject to the sewer charge.
(Ord. 6-96, passed 4-10-96; Am. Ord. 9-2002, passed 4-24-02)