Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
1171.01   Definitions.
1171.02   Accessory use permitted.
   For the purposes of this chapter, an Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS) shall mean a public or private parking space that is served by battery charging station equipment for the purpose of transferring electric energy (by conductive or inductive means) to a battery or other energy storage device within an electric vehicle.
(Ord. 2023-081. Passeed 9-5-23.)
   Electric Vehicle Charging Stations may be permitted as an accessory use in any zoning district in compliance with the following standards, conditions, and criteria:
   (a)   Proposed locations shall be identified on a site plan submitted with a building permit application for review and approval by the City Planner, City Engineer, and Building Commissioner. The location, size, and mounting height details for any proposed electric vehicle parking signs shall be included on the plans and submitted with the building permit application.
   (b)   An electrical permit shall be required as part of building permit application prior to installation. Each EVCS shall comply with the requirements of the National Electric Code.
   (c)   Each EVCS shall be located on the same lot or parcel as the principal use to which it is accessory and shall not impede vehicular or pedestrian circulation or block any fire lane.
   (d)   An EVCS may be a Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 charger, provided however, that a Level 1 EVCS may only be installed on single family residential properties as provided in subsections (m) and (n) hereof.
   (e)   If a charging facility has more than one (1) port, each port shall count as a charging station. Charging cords shall be retractable or having facilities for hanging.
   (f)   In other than single-family residential districts, an EVCS may be located in a parking lot or a parking garage. A parking space used for an EVCS may be counted toward the minimum number of Code required parking spaces. Each parking space designated for an EVCS shall be clearly marked as reserved for electric vehicle charging only.
   (g)   The minimum parking space dimensions for an EVCS shall be ten (10) feet wide by twenty (20) feet long when new spaces are installed for such use.
   (h)   Charging station equipment shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height, shall be located a minimum of twenty-four (24) inches behind the face of the parking lot curb, or shall be appropriately protected by wheel stops and/or bollards.
   (i)   Adequate security lighting shall be provided for use of the EVCS. All proposed lighting shall have full cut-off fixtures.
   (j)   Small directional signs not exceeding two (2) square feet in area may be permitted. Any branding or advertising located on the EVCS shall be limited to the manufacturer’s information and not for advertising of the business or site on which the EVCS is located. A phone number or other contact information shall be provided on the equipment for reporting problems.
   (k)   Landscaping shall be provided where appropriate as determined by the City Planner, City Engineer, and Building Commissioner.
   (l)   No cover or overhead canopies shall be permitted over any exterior EVCS.
   (m)   An EVCS located in a residential district shall only be permitted for the use of the occupants of the residential lot on which the EVCS is located and shall not be used for available to the general public or used for commercial purposes.
   (n)   Each EVCS located on a single-family residential property shall be either located in the garage or mounted on an exterior wall of the home.
      (Ord. 2023-081. Passed 9-5-23.)
(Ord. 2020-124. Passed 11-4-20.)