For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings unless otherwise designated.
EVENT ORGANIZER. A person, party, or entity that oversees, supervises, or organizes a special event and/or that has submitted an application for the registration of a special event under this chapter.
FOOD ESTABLISHMENT. Any food establishment as that term is defined under § 134.01 of the Warrick County, IN Code of Ordinances.
HEALTH DEPARTMENT. The Warrick County Health Department.
HEALTH OFFICER. The Warrick County Health Officer, or its duly authorized representative.
HOME BASED VENDOR. Any person who prepares and sells food products in accordance with I.C. 16-42-5.3 et seq.
MOBILE FOOD VENDOR. Any mobile food vendor as that term is defined under § 134.01 of the Warrick County, IN Code of Ordinances.
PERSON. Without limitation, any individual, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, non-profit organization, charitable organization, religious or educational institution, trust, or any commercial association or venture, however defined.
SPECIAL EVENT. An event or gathering, including farmers' markets, that involves the sale or distribution of food or beverages on streets, sidewalks, alleys, or other public places or public property, or on private property where otherwise prohibited by law.
TEMPORARY FOOD ESTABLISHMENT. A temporary food establishment as that term is defined under § 134.01 of the Warrick County, IN Code of Ordinances.
(BC Ord. 2023-10, passed 5-8-23)
(A) Permits required.
(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct, host, or organize a special event without registering with, and having a valid permit issued by, the Health Officer. Special events organized without a valid permit issued by the Health Officer shall be subject to immediate closure.
(2) Any person intending to organize or host a special event shall register the special event with the Health Department by completing and submitting the required application on the forms provided by the Health Department.
(B) Application.
(1) A person desiring to organize, conduct, or host a special event shall register said special event by completing and submitting an application to the Health Department at least 30 days prior to the start of the special event.
(2) In addition to any other information sought by the application forms provided by the Health Department, a person shall include:
(a) A comprehensive list of all food establishments, home based vendors, mobile food vendors, and/or temporary food establishments who will be present at the special event and selling or distributing food or beverages.
(b) A site plan drawn to scale with existing streets, sidewalks, and buildings identified, showing the location of the special event and identifying where any food establishments, home based vendors, mobile food vendors, or temporary food establishments will be located during the special event.
(C) No permit fee. There shall be no fee charged to an event organizer for the submission of an application for a special event permit nor the issuance of a special event permit from the Health Officer.
(D) Permit duration. A special event permit validly issued under this chapter shall be valid only for the duration of the special event as identified on the application, except as otherwise may be determined by the Health Officer.
(E) Responsibilities; event organizer. For the duration of a special event permit validly issued under this chapter, an event organizer shall:
(1) Comply with the provisions of this chapter and all laws and rules adopted by reference herein;
(2) Display a special event permit validly issued under this chapter in a conspicuous location at the special event site;
(3) Immediately notify the Health Department if an imminent health hazard, as defined in 410 I.A.C. 7-24-47, may exist;
(4) Immediately notify the Health Department if there any changes or alterations concerning the special event from what was submitted on the event organizer's application for a permit under this chapter;
(5) Allow the Health Department and their representatives or agents access to the special event at all reasonable times; and
(6) Accept notices issued and served by the Health Department.
(BC Ord. 2023-10, passed 5-8-23)