   Construction is prohibited unless in conformity with a valid building permit obtained from the Building Commission prior to commencement of construction. A permit shall be required before beginning any new construction of any building or structure or before beginning any structural improvement to any building or structure not hereinafter exempted, the cost of which construction or improvements exceeds $2,500; or is more than 120 square feet; or before beginning construction of any improvement to any building or structure involving modification, changing or new installation of any electrical, plumbing or mechanical improvement, the cost of which exceeds $750, including installation of any furnace, hot water heater, new meter base, meter base relocation, panel upgrade; load control device or before electrical meter is installed following a fire; an in-ground swimming pool, an above ground swimming pool deeper than three and one-half feet, hot tubs, spas, demolition of any structure over 120 square, feet tanks, communication towers and co-locates on existing towers, and signs. (See § 150.17 for more specific definitions). However, a person desiring to make an improvement which would be exempt from permit requirements under this chapter, either by cost or square footage, may voluntarily apply for a permit, pay the required fee, and secure the inspection(s) provided for under this chapter. All permits shall be issued by the Building Commissioner and all fees provided for herein shall be paid to the County Building Commission Fund. Check or cash payments may be made at the Building Commissioner’s office, or may be made online pursuant to a vendor of the Building Commissioner’s choosing. Online credit card payments may include additional processing fees or other fees as charged by the vendor which shall be paid by the permit applicant.
(BC Ord. 2003-14, passed 7-15-03; Am. BC Ord. 2010-19, passed 12-20-10; Am. BC Ord. 2016-01, passed 1-25-16) Penalty, see § 150.99
   (A)   Any person required to have a building permit shall submit a complete application to the Building Commissioner.
   (B)   This application shall be submitted on a form prepared by the Building Commissioner and shall contain the following:
      (1)   Information that the Building Commissioner determines to be necessary to locate and contact the applicant.
      (2)   A clear and understandable copy of detailed plans and specifications drawn to scale which indicate in a precise manner the nature and location of all work to be accomplished.
      (3)   A plot plan drawn to scale. This plot plan shall reflect the location of the structure in relation to existing property lines and show streets, curbs and sidewalks and proposed changes or additions to such streets, curbs and sidewalks.
      (4)   If required by Indiana law or any rule of the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission, a copy of a Design Release for the work to be done that has been issued by the State Building Commissioner and the State Fire Marshal pursuant to I.C. 22-15-3.
      (5)   Any additional information that the Building Commissioner finds to be necessary to determine that the construction will conform to all applicable building laws and will not violate any other applicable ordinances or laws.
(BC Ord. 2003-14, passed 7-15-03) Penalty, see § 150.99
§ 150.17 FEE SCHEDULE.
   The fee schedule established by the County Building Commission and approved by the County Commissioners, at their regularly scheduled meeting on March 19, 2003 and effective April 7, 2003:
Residential Uses:
Single Family Dwelling
Including manufactured housing
$.08 per square foot or minimum of $200
Includes mechanics and certificate of occupancy
Two-Family Dwelling
Includes mechanics and certificate of occupancy
$.08 per square foot or minimum of $200 plus $25.00 per unit
Multi-Family Dwelling
(rental/apartments, condominiums, and the like)
Includes mechanics and certificate of occupancy
$.08 per square foot or minimum of $200, plus 2 to 10 units, $25 per unit. Over 10 units, $20 per unit
Mobile Homes
Accessory Uses:
Garages, Pole Barns, Storage Structures on a permanent foundation
Less than 200 square feet: no charge
$.05 per square foot or minimum of $50
Additional square feet
$.05 per square foot or minimum of $50
Interior remodeling
$.05 per square foot or minimum of $50
Exterior remodeling
Re-roofing, windows, siding, doors, guttering, foundations and the like
Swimming pool (in-ground)
Swimming pool (above ground)
Deeper than 3 1/2 feet
Electrical, Plumbing or Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Any electrical, plumbing or mechanical improvement, the cost of which exceeds $750; including installation of any furnace, hot water heater, spa, hot tub, new meter base, meter base relocation, panel upgrade; load control device, or before electrical meter is installed following a fire
Any structure over 200 square feet
Re-inspection fee (each additional inspection)
Re-inspection fees are assessed when an additional inspection is required, which deviates from the normal sequence of inspections
All fees for permits and inspections shall be paid to the County Building Commission.
Commercial Uses:
Principal Use
includes mechanics and certificate of occupancy; hotels, motels, business, commercial, public buildings, educational, churches, industrial, institutional, warehouse and bulk storage building
$.10 per square foot or a minimum of $250
Accessory Uses:
Storage, Garage or other structure on a permanent foundation
$.10 per square foot or minimum of $150
Additional square feet
Interior Remodeling
No additional square feet
Exterior Remodeling:
Re-roofing, windows, siding, doors, guttering, foundations, and the like
Swimming pool (in-ground)
Electrical, plumbing or heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
Any electrical, plumbing or mechanical improvement, the cost which exceeds $750 or installation of any furnace, hot water heater, new meter base, meter base relocation, panel upgrade; load control device, or before electrical meter is installed following a fire
$ 50
Any structure over 200 square feet
$ 50
Communication towers and co-locates on existing towers
Signs: Temporary or portable signs
Permanent Signs:
6 to 100 square feet   
101 to 300 square feet   
301 to 1,001 square feet and up
Billboards and signs (Multi- faced)
Charged for each face
(BC Ord. 2003-14, passed 7-15-03; Am. BC Ord. 2010-19, passed 12-20-10) Penalty, see § 150.99
§ 150.18 EXEMPTIONS.
   (A)   Signs. The following signs are exempt from the requirements of this chapter:
      (1)   Signs not exceeding two square feet in area which identify the names and occupants but do not denote commercial activity.
      (2)   Flags and insignias of a governmental unit, church, organization or political entity except in connection with a commercial promotion.
      (3)   Legal notices, identification, informational, warning, trespassing, or directional or architectural features of buildings.
      (4)   Memorial plaques and historical markers.
      (5)   Integral decorative or architectural features of buildings.
      (6)   One real estate sign for each frontage, not exceeding six square feet, indicating the sale, rental, or lease of the premises.
      (7)   Traffic or directional signs placed by a municipality or state. An exempt sign may be illuminated but may not be flashing or animated.
   (B)   Temporary, portable, or moving signs. Issuance of the permit shall be for a maximum of 90 days. A portable sign may not be placed in a street or highway right-of-way or sidewalk or where it blocks traffic vision. All temporary signs must conform to the requirements of this chapter and are subject to the inspection, removal, and penalties provided by this chapter.
   (C)   Agricultural uses. 
      (1)   All structures located on 20+ acres that are used for agricultural purposes are exempt from permit fees.
      (2)   All taxpayers that file an Agricultural Section F with their taxes are exempt from permit fees.
      (3)   All structures located on 20+ acres that are used for personal/residential storage require a building permit as per the residential accessory permit fees.
      (4)   All electrical services for agricultural structures require a building permit as per the residential electric permit fee.
   (D)   Governmental uses. All structures constructed for the county, or for any town, city, township, school corporation, or public library, or any department and agency thereof, located within the county and funded at least 75% by county taxes, are exempt from permit fees.
(BC Ord. 2003-14, passed 7-15-03; Am. BC Ord. 2006-11, passed 7-26-06)
   Application for a building permit shall be made by the person entitled to obtain the permit or by an employee or agent of that person. The Building Commissioner may require that such an employee or agent provide written authority to apply for a permit.
(BC Ord. 2003-14, passed 7-15-03) Penalty, see § 150.99
   Contractors working in the jurisdiction of the County Building Department, who wish to be able to apply for building permits must be listed by the county. In order to obtain a listing the following must be provided:
   (A)   A completed Contractor Listing Application form, containing the following information:
      (1)   Name;
      (2)   Address;
      (3)   Phone number;
      (4)   Individuals authorized to secure permits under this listing; and
      (5)   Legal business status of the listed contractor.
   (B)   Proof of a public liability and property damage insurance policy insuring the listed contractor and naming the Board of County Commissioners as "additional insured" in an amount of not less than $500,000. (A 15-day notification of cancellation).
   (C)   Property owners' exception. A private property owner shall be able to obtain a permit to perform work in or about his/her own property for a new or remodeled building or structure without the insurance. Any contractors hired shall provide all insurance and the property owner shall have proof of public liability insurance and property damage insurance in hand and available to responsible officials of the county and/or the County Building Department. All work shall be permitted and inspected the same as other permits, and shall adhere to all other state and local requirements.
(BC Ord. 2003-14, passed 7-15-03) Penalty, see § 150.99
   The Building Commissioner shall issue a building permit to a person after the person has submitted a complete application, including any applicable fee, provided that the proposed construction will conform to all applicable building laws and will not violate any other applicable ordinances or laws.
(BC Ord. 2003-14, passed 7-15-03) Penalty, see § 150.99