(a)    Development and Construction Signs. Signs temporarily erected during construction to inform the public of the developer, contractors, architects, engineers, the nature of the project or anticipated completion dates, shall be permitted in all zoning districts, subject to the following limitations:
      (1)   Such signs for residential, commercial, and manufacturing projects shall be limited to one sign, not to exceed eight (8) feet in height and thirty-two (32) square feet in area.
      (2)   Development and construction signs may not be displayed until after the issuance of construction permits by the building official, and must be removed not later than 24 hours following issuance of an occupancy permit for any of all portions or the project.
   (b)   Special Promotion, Event and Grand Opening Signs. Signs temporarily displayed to advertise special promotions, events and grand openings shall be permitted for nonresidential uses in a residential district, and for all commercial and manufacturing districts subject to the following limitations:
      (1)   Such signs shall be limited to one sign per street front.
      (2)   Such signs may be displayed for not more than 30 days in any calendar year. The signs shall be erected no more than 5 days prior to the event or grand opening, and shall be removed not more than 1 day after the event or grand opening.
   (c)   Special Event Signs in Public Ways. Signs advertising a special community event shall not be prohibited in or over public rights-of-way, subject to approval by the code official as to the size, location and method of erection. The code official may not approve any special event signage that would impair the safety and convenience of use of public rights-of-way, or obstruct traffic visibility.
   (d)   Portable Signs. Portable signs shall be permitted only in the commercial and manufacturing districts, as designated in this code, subject to the following limitations:
      (1)   No more than one such sign may be displayed on any property, and shall not exceed a height of seven (7) feet nor an area of thirty-two (32) square feet.
      (2)   Such signs shall be displayed not more than 30 days in any calendar year.
      (3)   Any electrical portable signs shall comply with NFPA 70, as adopted in this jurisdiction.
      (4)   No portable sign shall be displayed prior to obtaining a sign permit.
   (e)    Requirements for Specific Sign Types. Signs of specific type shall be in accordance with Sections 1325.11(e)(1) through 1325.11(e)(5).
      (1)   Canopy and marquee signs.
         A.   The permanently-affixed copy area of canopy or marquee signs shall not exceed an area equal to 25 percent of the face area of the canopy, marquee or architectural projection upon which such sign is affixed or applied.
         B.   Graphic striping, patterns or color bands on the face of a building, canopy, marquee or architectural projection shall not be included in the computation of sign copy area.
      (2)   Awning signs.
         A.   The copy area of awning signs shall not exceed an area equal to 25 percent of the background area of the awning or awning surface to which such a sign is affixed or applied, or the permitted area for wall or fascia signs, whichever is less.
         B.   Neither the background color of an awning, nor any graphic treatment or embellishment thereto such as striping, patterns or valances, shall be included in the computation of sign copy area.
      (3)   Projecting signs.
         A.   Projecting signs shall be permitted in lieu of free-standing signage on any street frontage limited to one sign per occupancy along any street frontage with public entrance to such an occupancy, and shall be limited to a maximum of twenty-five (25) square feet per sign face.
         B.   No such sign shall extend vertically above the highest point of the building upon which it is mounted.
         C.   Such signs shall not extend over a public sidewalk in excess of fifty (50) percent of the width of the sidewalk.
         D.   Such signs shall maintain a clear vertical distance above any public sidewalk a minimum of fifteen (15) feet.
      (4)   Window signs. Window signs shall be permitted for any nonresidential use in a residential district, and for all commercial and industrial districts, subject to the following limitations:
         A.   The aggregate area of all such signs shall not exceed 25 percent of the window area on which such signs are displayed. Window panels separated by muntins or mullions shall be considered as one continuous window area.
         B.   Window signs shall not be assessed against the sign area permitted for other sign types.
      (5)   Menu boards.
         A.   Menu board signs shall not be permitted to exceed 50 square feet (4.6 m2).
   (f)    Signs for Development Complexes.
      (1)   Master sign plan required. All landlord or single-owner controlled multiple-occupancy development complexes on parcels exceeding 8 acres (32 376 m2) in size, such as shopping centers or planned industrial parks, shall submit to the code official a master sign plan prior to issuance of new sign permits. The master sign plan shall establish standards and criteria for all signs in the complex that require permits, and shall address, at a minimum, the following:
         A.   Proposed sign locations.
         B.   Materials.
         C.   Type of illumination.
         D.   Design of free-standing sign structures.
         E.    Size.
         F.    Quantity.
         G.   Uniform standards for nonbusiness signage, including directional and informational signs.
      (2)   Development complex sign. In addition to the free-standing business identification signs otherwise allowed by this ordinance, every multiple-occupancy development complex shall be entitled to one free-standing sign per street front, at the maximum size permitted for business identification free-standing signs, to identify the development complex. No business identification shall be permitted on a development complex sign. Any free-standing sign otherwise permitted under this ordinance may identify the name of the development complex.
      (3)   Compliance with master sign plan. All applications for sign permits for signage within a multiple-occupancy development complex shall comply with the master sign plan.
      (4)   Amendments. Any amendments to a master sign plan must be signed and approved by the owner(s) within the development complex before such amendment will become effective.
         (Ord. 12470/13. Passed 5-22-13.)