The following sections of the BOCA national building code are revised as follows:
A.   Section 101.1 (page 1, line 2). Insert: "city of Warr Acres."
B.   Section 108. Subsection 108.1 is hereby amended to read as follows:
108.1 Action On Application: The code official shall examine or cause to be examined all application for permits and amendments thereto within a reasonable time after filing. If the application or construction documents do not conform to the requirements of all pertinent laws, the code official shall reject such application, in writing, stating the reasons therefor. If the code official is satisfied that the proposed work conforms to the requirements of this code and all laws and ordinances applicable thereto, the code official shall issue a permit as soon as practicable unless the following conditions exist:
   1.   The proposed work requires major structural alterations.
   2.   The proposed work requires changes in existing landscape requirements.
   3.   The proposed work requires changes in vehicle parking and loading.
   4.   The proposed work requires changes in drainage.
   5.   The proposed work requires demolition of an existing site and new construction is to be erected on the demolished site.
   6.   Total combined cost of items 1-5 must exceed $500,000 dollars. If item number six is exceeded by the proposed work, the code official shall forward the application to the planning commission for approval. The recommending actions of the planning commission shall be submitted to the city council for approval at their next meeting. Approval requires a simple majority of the city council. Following approval by the city council, the code official shall issue a permit as soon as practicable.
C.   Section 112.3.1 (page 5, line 4). Insert: "As set forth in title 16, section 16.04.120 of the Warr Acres city code."
D.   Section 116.4 (page 6, lines 6 and 7). Insert: "misdemeanor and twenty (20) dollars."
E.   Section 116.4 (page 6, lines 7 and 8). Delete: "or by imprisonment not exceeding (number of days), or both such fine and imprisonment."
F.   Section 117.2 (page 6, line 5). Insert: "ten (10) dollars and twenty (20) dollars."
G.   Section 3408.2 (page 310, line 1). Insert: "February 7, 1995."
H.   Sections 102.2, 3400.1.7, 3400.1.7.1, 3401.2 and 3408.3.2 and any other references to the BOCA national property maintenance code. Delete in their entirety.
   (Ord. 828 §1, 1997: Ord. 778 §1, 1996: Ord. 756 §3, 1995)