No subdivision of land shall be approved without receiving a statement signed by the Village Engineer, certifying that the improvement described in the subdivided plans and specifications, together with agreements, meet the minimum requirements of all ordinances of the village and that they comply with the following.
   (A)   Street improvements.
      (1)   All streets within the corporate limits of the village shall be improved with pavements bounded by integral concrete curbs and gutters.
      (2)   Roadways shall be surfaced with not less than six inches of packed gravel, one coat of MCO consisting of one-half gallons to the square yard, three coats of MC 5 three-tenths of a gallon to the square yard, covered with buck shot gravel.
      (3)   Storm water inlets shall be provided within the roadway improvement at points specified by the Village Engineer.
      (4)   In subdivisions outside the corporate area but within the one and one-half mile area, roadway improvements shall conform to the same standards of improvements as required of subdivisions within the corporate area.
   (B)   Public utilities. All utility lines for telephone and electric service shall be placed in rear line easements when carried on overhead poles.
   (C)   Sidewalks. Concrete sidewalks to a width of not less than four feet shall be installed on both sides of primary and secondary thoroughfares and may be required by the Village Board or governing authorities as a part of the dedicated street improvements on minor street.
   (D)   Landscaping.
      (1)   All parkways within the dedicated street area or other public use areas shall be graded and seeded in an approved manner.
      (2)   Street trees having a truck diameter of not less than two and one-half inches shall be planted along all streets where trees do not exist, and placed in such a manner as to provide an effective appearance for the enhancement of abutting properties. Due care shall be taken so as not to block private or village drainage tile, ditches or waterways.
   (E)   Street lighting. Provisions shall be made for the adequate lighting of public streets within the proposed subdivision in accordance with the standards and requirements established by the governing authorities.
(1975 Code, § 33-107) Penalty, see § 152.99