(a) The monthly minimum charge under this schedule shall be six dollars ($6.00) per kW of monthly billing capacity as hereinafter determined, plus the service charge of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month, and not less than the minimum charge specified in the consumer's service contract with the Utility.
(b) That minimum charge shall not be reduced by reason of application of the discount for furnishing of the substation.
(c) There shall be added to the minimum charge, as determined in this section, any applicable purchased power adjustment. That adjustment shall be applied to the billing kWh as hereinafter determined.
(d) The minimum charge is applicable on a twelve-month year-round basis, and seasonal disconnects will not avoid the applicable minimum billing capacity and resultant minimum charge, except as provided in Section 1046.43.
(Ord. 85-30. Passed 5-22-85.)