(a) An application for a Planned Unit Development shall be handled in the same manner prescribed for amending the zoning ordinance. The same requirements for notice, advertisement of public hearing, protests and adoption shall be required as in conventional zoning.
(b) The applicant shall prepare and submit ten copies of the preliminary development plan for review and recommendation by the Planning Commission, which said plan shall include:
(1) A site plan showing:
(A) Contours at intervals of one foot.
(B) General location, size and use of all proposed structures in conformance with the yard requirements; or designation of individual lots if such lots are proposed to be sold to individual owners.
(C) All points of ingress and egress, driveways, circulation aisles, parking lots, parking spaces, and service areas.
(D) All streets adjoining subject property and the width of the existing right-of-way.
(E) Areas set aside for public and private open space with the type of recreational facilities planned for each area indicated.
(F) Designation of individual parcels if the proposed development is to be set up in separate construction phases.
(G) Location of required screening.
(H) Location of natural features such as ponds, tree clusters and rock out-cropping.
(I) Existing development on adjacent properties within 200 feet.
(2) The above-described site plan shall also include a section designated as "General Provisions" and said section shall include the following items when said items are applicable.
(A) Net area square feet or acres. (Note: Net area does not include land dedicated or necessary to be dedicated for public street right-of-way. If more than one parcel is proposed, designate net area by parcel as well as total net area.)
(B) Density shall not exceed dwelling units per acre or a total of dwelling units for the entire plan. No parcel or unit of the plan shall exceed a density of units per acre for the individual parcel by more than 20%.
(C) Building coverage shall not exceed of the net area of the Planned Unit Development by individual or total development.
(D) A minimum of percent of the area planned for residential development shall be provided for common open space as defined by this regulation. (Note: Normally, this figure should be approximately 50%.)
(E) A minimum of 50% of the recreational facilities shall be constructed prior to the development of one-half of the project and all recreational facilities shall be constructed by the time the project is 75% developed.
(F) If more than one parcel is proposed, a statement relating to the sequence of development shall be included.
(G) Required number of off-street parking spaces: .
(H) Gross floor area proposed: square feet (Commercial “PUD” only).
(I) All proposed land uses shall be listed by parcel.
(3) A statement or adequate drawings shall be included describing the manner for the disposition of sanitary waste and storm water.
(4) The full legal description of the boundaries of the property or properties to be included in the Planned Unit Development.
(5) A vicinity map showing the general arrangement of streets within an area of 1,000 feet from the boundaries of the proposed Planned Unit Development.
(6) Evidence that the applicant has sufficient control over the tract to effectuate the proposed plan, including a statement of all the ownership and beneficial interest in the tract of land and the proposed development.
(7) When a Planned Unit Development includes provisions for a common open space, or recreational facilities, a statement describing the provision that is to be made for the care and maintenance for such open space or recreational facilities. If it is proposed that such open space be owned and/or maintained by any entity other than a governmental authority, copies of the proposed articles of incorporation and by-laws of such entity shall be submitted.
(8) Copies of any restrictive covenants that are to be recorded with respect to property included in the planned development district.
(9) In the case where a Planned Unit Development calls for construction in units over a period of years, a schedule showing the proposed item and sequence within which the applications for final approval of all sections of the Planned Unit Development are intended to be filed shall be submitted.
(10) A written statement by the applicant shall be submitted setting forth the reasons why in his opinion the Planned Unit Development would be in the public interest and would be consistent with the intent of the Governing Body on Planned Unit Development.
(c) Action by Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall, within 60 days after a preliminary Planned Unit Development is filed, hold a public hearing on said development after giving notice as required by statute for hearings on amendments. Said public hearing may be adjourned from time to time and within a reasonable period of time after the conclusion of said public hearing, the Planning Commission shall prepare and transmit to the Governing Body and the applicant specific findings of fact with respect to the preliminary Planned Unit Development. The Planning Commission may recommend disapproval, approval, or approval with amendments, conditions, or restrictions.
(d) Action by Governing Body. The Governing Body shall or shall not approve the preliminary development plan and authorize the submitting of the final development plan. If the Governing Body approves the preliminary plan, it shall pass an ordinance designating the tract with an overlay of Planned Unit Development and so order the official zoning map to be amended.
(e) Substantial or significant changes in the preliminary Planned Unit Development shall only be made after rehearing and re-approval as required for the initial approval of the preliminary plan.