(a) The intent of the Planned Unit Development District is to encourage innovation in residential, commercial and industrial development by greater variety in type, design, and layout of buildings; to encourage a more efficient use of land reflecting changes in the technology of land development; to encourage the expansion of urban areas incorporating the best features of modern design while conserving the value of land; and to provide a procedure which relates the type, design, and layout of development to the particular site and the particular demand at the time of development in a manner consistent with the preservation of property values within established neighborhoods.
(b) The "PUD" District in this Title is an overlay zone which may be used in conjunction with any of the standard residential, commercial or industrial zones. Although the specific conditions within this district are predetermined, the location of a proposed district must be carefully reviewed to assure that these conditions can be met. A development plan shall be submitted by each applicant for "PUD" zoning in accordance with the provisions and conditions that follow.
(a) The Planning Commission shall make a report to the Governing Body setting forth its reasons for recommendation of approval or denial of the application, along with specific evidence and facts showing that the proposed Planned Unit Development meets or does not meet the following conditions:
(1) The Planned Unit Development shall be in general conformity with the provisions of the adopted comprehensive plan.
(2) The Planned Unit Development shall not have a substantially adverse effect on the development of the neighboring area.
(b) A Planned Unit Development District may be established exclusively for residential, commercial or industrial development or any combination of those types of development.
(c) The minimum size allowed for a Planned Unit Development shall be as follows:
(1) Residential: two acres.
(2) Commercial: three acres.
(3) Industrial: five acres.
(d) Any "PUD" which has combined two or more types of use into a single plan shall have a minimum allowable size for the "PUD" equal to the sum of the minimum land areas required for each of the two or more types contained therein.