1292.01   PURPOSE.
   Off-street parking regulations are established to achieve, among other reasons, the following:
   (a)   To relieve congestion so streets can be utilized more fully for movement of vehicular traffic;
   (b)   To promote the safety and convenience of pedestrians and shoppers by separating parking areas and extensive car movements in the vicinity of pedestrian ways;
   (c)   To protect adjoining residential neighborhoods from on-street parking;
   (d)   To promote the general convenience, welfare and prosperity of residential, business, service and manufacturing developments that depend on off-street parking facilities;
   (e)   To provide regulations and standards for the development of accessory off-street parking and loading facilities in accordance with objectives of the Master Plan and codes of the Village; and,
   (f)   To provide for accommodation of vehicles in a functionally and aesthetically satisfactory manner and to minimize external effects on adjacent land uses.
(Ord. 2009-17. Passed 9-15-2009.)
   Accessory off-street parking facilities, including access driveways, shall be provided prior to the occupancy of a building or use. Facilities shall be provided for the entire building or use in accordance with the regulations contained in this chapter whenever:
   (a)   A building is constructed or a new use is established.
   (b)   The use of an existing building is changed to a use requiring more off-street parking facilities.
   (c)   An existing building is altered and there is an increase in seating capacity, floor area of the building, or number of employees.
(Ord. 2009-17. Passed 9-15-2009.)
   In computing the number of parking spaces required by this Zoning Code, the following rules shall apply:
   (a)   Floor Area. Where floor area is designated as the standard for determining parking space requirements, gross floor area shall be used, unless specifically noted otherwise.
   (b)   Seats. Where seating capacity is the standard for determining parking spaces, the capacity shall mean the number of seating units installed or indicated, or one seat for each twenty-four lineal inches of benches or pews. When fixed seats are not indicated, the capacity shall be determined as being one seat for each twenty square feet of floor area of the assembly room.
   (c)   Employees. Where employees are the standard for determining parking space requirements, employees shall mean the maximum number of employees on the shift with the highest number of employees expected.
   (d)   Fractional Numbers. Where the computation results in a fractional unit, one additional off-street parking space shall be provided.
   (e)   Parking for Mixed Uses. Where a building or group of buildings contains two or more uses, normally operating during the same hours, the number of parking spaces for each use shall be computed separately and the total spaces provided shall not be less than the sum of the spaces required for each use, except as otherwise provided for in this chapter.
(Ord. 2009-17. Passed 9-15-2009.)