   At least two weeks prior to the meeting of the Planning Commission for which action is desired, six copies of the preliminary plat shall be submitted to the Clerk, addressed to the Secretary of the Commission, together with a written application by the subdivider for the approval of the preliminary plat. The subdivider shall pay to the Clerk a filing fee as set forth in Chapter 208 of the Administration Code (the General Fee Schedule). The Clerk shall note on the application, before its filing with the Commission, the fact that the fee required by this section has been paid. No filing fee shall be refunded or returned. The subdivider may consult with the Village Engineer and the Commission, while the plat is in sketch form, to ascertain the location and extent of proposed Village streets, parks and other public grounds, and of other planned projects and developments affecting the proposed subdivision.
(Ord. 1994-31. Passed 1-17-95.)
   The Secretary of the Planning Commission shall transmit a copy of the preliminary plat to the Village Engineer for his or her review and report to the Commission. The Secretary shall also advise Council of the filing of such preliminary plat and application for approval and shall thereafter keep Council fully advised of all matters and details pertaining to the proposed subdivision. The preliminary plat shall be checked by the Commission to determine its conformity to the rules, principles, standards and requirements of these Subdivision Regulations as well as its conformity to any street plan in effect at the time of application.
(Ord. 1965-17. Passed 7-20-65.)
   (a)   The Commission shall act on the preliminary plat within 90 days after the filing thereof, unless such time is extended by agreement with the subdividers. Subject to confirmation by Council, as hereinafter specified, the Commission shall approve, approve with modifications or disapprove the preliminary plat, noting thereon the action taken, and shall give notice to the subdivider as follows:
      (1)   If approved, a notation to this effect shall be entered in the record of the Commission, and the Secretary shall affix his or her signature to the preliminary plat, noting its approval, and return one copy of such plat to the subdivider for compliance with final plat requirements.
      (2)   If the preliminary plat is approved with modifications or disapproved, a notation of the action taken, together with the reasons therefor, shall be entered in the records of the Commission and a copy of such record, together with one copy of the preliminary plat, shall be transmitted to the subdivider. If the preliminary plat is approved with modifications, the Secretary of the Commission shall note such on the preliminary plat over his or her signature.
   (b)   Any approval or approval with modifications by the Commission under this section shall be referred to Council for confirmation, by resolution, prior to the giving of notice to the subdivider as specified in division (a) of this section.
   (c)   The approval of the preliminary plat by the Commission shall not constitute acceptance of the subdivision. It shall be considered only as an approval of the layout, with the understanding that the Village Engineer will examine all proposed improvement plans and may modify any engineering or construction details submitted by the subdivider whenever required for the protection of the public interest. The Commission may revoke its approval of the preliminary plat within 90 days of the filing thereof, but if not so revoked, the approval will be effective for one year unless extended by the Commission. If the subdivider does not file a final plat, as hereinafter set forth, within one year after the date of approval of the preliminary plat, or if the Commission does not extend its approval beyond one year, the preliminary plat shall be deemed abandoned and of no effect.
(Ord. 1965-17. Passed 7-20-65; Ord. 2000-6. Passed 4-18-00; Ord. 2001-7. Passed 4-3-01.)
   (a)   After approval by the Planning Commission of the preliminary plat, the subdivider shall secure all necessary permits to proceed with the improvements required by these Subdivision Regulations in accordance with the procedure, standards and specifications established by the Village and shall make a deposit of money with the Clerk to cover the expenses of the Village in checking and investigating all matters required by law and these Subdivision Regulations, in constructing and administering improvements required hereunder, and all other necessary expenses. Such deposit shall be as follows: five hundred dollars ($500.00) per lot, where the lot abuts upon a street where all improvements are installed, with an additional one thousand, five hundred dollars ($1,500) per lot if the proposed subdivision involves the opening, widening or extension of a street.
(Ord. 1994-31. Passed 1-17-95.)
   (b)   The Clerk shall certify on the plans and specifications of the improvements, the fact that the deposit required hereunder has been paid. Construction of improvements shall in no event proceed until the deposit has been made, as aforesaid. If the expenditures of the Village are less than the required deposit, the balance shall be refunded to the subdivider upon the completion of all proceedings in connection with the subdivision. In the event the expenditures of the Village exceed such deposit, the excess shall be paid by the subdivider upon demand of the Clerk. No final plat shall be approved by the Commission or by Council until the subdivider has fully paid the expenditures of the Village, as aforesaid.
(Ord. 1965-17. Passed 7-20-65.)