   Since The WPWA/city now falls under the federal red flag rules, it becomes necessary that the WPWA exercise higher security when transferring utility services between individuals and businesses. It is not uncommon for utility service to be transferred from one customer to another customer or from one business entity to another. In the past this has been done informally over the phone, since most people and business owners are known personally by WPWA employees. To properly follow the new federal rules and guidelines, it is necessary that this process be more formal and in writing. This will basically require that people transferring services appear in person at City Hall and complete the required paper work.
   (A)   Customers desiring to discontinue utility services should appear in person at City Hall and complete a service disconnect form and sign it. This form must indicate the final date that the customer wants to receive service.
      (1)   WPWA employees will assure that the work order to discontinue service is executed on the day indicated on the service disconnect form.
      (2)   Before a physical service disconnect is made, the employee shall review work orders to assure that a connect work order for a new customer is not pending at the same physical address.
      (3)   If a connect order exists, the employee will convert the work order to a “read in read out” order and not physically disconnect the services.
   (B)   When the customer desiring to discontinue service is a tenant, the employee will make a physical disconnect unless the landlord, known to the WPWA, has completed a service transfer form, properly signed it, and maintains it on file with the WPWA. Service transfer forms shall be maintained in a file established for that purpose.
   (C)   Landlords who have the proper documents completed will be responsible for all the service costs from the “read in read out” readings forward, until another tenant becomes responsible for that service billing.
   (D)   Landlords shall be responsible for the same services as the tenant, and partial services shall not be allowed on a limited or partial basis.
   (E)   Transfer of accounts from one person or business, to another person or business, will be allowed via telephone, mail, or email only when the person (customer) has moved from town and is no longer in the area.
   (F)   Automatic transfer from a tenant to a landlord will be allowed, provided the landlord has completed the necessary documentation and signed an authorization with the WPWA.
   (G)   Employees will assure that all information is completed in full on the service disconnect form, service transfer form, and the application for service form to assure that WPWA has the proper address for billing, mailing of the final billing, or the refund of unused deposits.
(Prior Code, § 50.15) (Res. 785, passed 11-6-2012)
   (A)   The city/WPWA will mail final unpaid bills for three consecutive months. If the customer has not paid at the end of 90 days (three months), the account will be turned over to the collection professionals under contract with the city/WPWA as approved, or as may be approved, by the City Council/Board of Trustees.
   (B)   Customers who still refuse to pay amounts due will be referred to the City Attorney for further legal action, in an effort to collect the bill. The city/WPWA may file a law suit and seek court judgments in efforts to collect the bill as advised by the City Attorney.
   (C)   Uncollectible accounts may be placed on a statewide list of non-paying customers or other list(s) maintained by the State Tax Commission or other state agency.
   (D)   The city/WPWA will maintain a list of old unpaid accounts, forever, and should a customer ever move back to town and request services, they will be required to pay all old bills and collection costs, court costs, and legal fees before service will be rendered.
(Prior Code, § 50.15) (Res. 785, passed 11-6-2012)
   There will be occasions where a customer has been disconnected for nonpayment and another person(s) is living in the household, either related or unrelated, the other cohabitant will come to City Hall and request services be established in their name, or the co-habitant who did not have the service in his or her name will then move to another location (address) and attempt to establish service, or they will establish service, in their name and then allowed the other disconnected cohabitant to move in at the new location. Anytime this occurs and the disconnected person with an outstanding bill remains or becomes an occupant in the house, this act shall be considered subterfuge, and service(s) will either be denied or disconnected. These acts will be treated as an act of theft and referred to the Police Department for prosecution or the City Attorney for recovery of amounts due.
(Prior Code, § 50.15) (Res. 785, passed 11-6-2012) Penalty, see § 50.99
   All new customers will be provided these rules and regulations in writing when they apply for initial service. They will be explained to the customer verbally, and he or she will be asked to sign a statement that the rules and regulations were explained to them and that they understood the requirements for service. These signed forms shall be filed with the customers other information and maintained by the city/WPWA.
(Prior Code, § 50.15) (Res. 785, passed 11-6-2012)
   Deposits for electric, water, sewer, trash, and sanitation fees for services rendered to residential and commercial customers and consumers, charged by the city for said services be and the same are hereby set as follows.
(Prior Code, Ch. 50, Appendix A) (Ord. 2020-565, passed 2-4-2020)
   (A)   Applicability. Applicable to all existing and new customers of the City Public Works Authority for any monthly services provided by the authority.
   (B)   Deposits. Deposits shall be required for all utility services provided by the WPWA.
      (1)   Electric. Deposits to secure payment of electric services shall be $250, and commercial customers shall be two times the average bill from the most recent 12 months.
      (2)   Water. Deposits to secure payment of water services shall be $50, and commercial customers shall be two times the average bill from the most recent 12 months.
      (3)   Sewer. Deposits for sewer and waste water are included in the water deposit, and additional deposits are not required for this service.
      (4)   Sanitation. Deposits to secure payment of sanitation services shall be $25, and commercial customers shall be two times the average bill from the most recent 12 months.
      (5)   Higher deposit amount. Existing customer deposits will be reevaluated if services are disconnected for nonpayment. The Authority may require a minimum of two times the amount of the most recent 12-month average monthly utility bill for any and all services.
(Prior Code, Ch. 50, Appendix A) (Ord. 2020-565, passed 2-4-2020)