The Council shall appoint a Clerk. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to:
(A) Act as secretary to the Council;
(B) Keep a true record of all the proceedings of the Council;
(C) Keep the original of all ordinances in a book especially provided for that purpose;
(D) Act as custodian for all the books, papers, records, and journals of the Council;
(E) Perform other duties as may be required by law or by the Council;
(F) Perform the duties of the Finance Officer.
(Am. Ord., passed 1-23-08; Am. Ord., passed 12-6-17 )
Statutory reference:
Duties of the Clerk specified, see G.S. § 160A-171
Minutes to be kept, see G.S. § 160A-72
The Council shall appoint a Village Attorney whose duties shall be to:
(A) Prosecute or defend any and all suits or actions at law or equity to which the village may be a party, or in which it may be interested, or which may be brought against, or by, any officer of the village, or in the capacity of the person as an officer of the village;
(B) See to the full enforcement of all judgments or decrees rendered or entered in favor of the village;
(C) See to the completion of all special assessment proceedings and condemnation proceedings;
(D) Draft or review any contract, lease, or other document or instrument to which the village may be a party, and approve all ordinances and resolutions of the Council as to form;
(E) At the request of the Council, draft ordinances covering any subjects within the power of the village;
(F) Attend meetings of the Council on request; and
(G) Perform any other duties required of him by G.S. 160A-173 and other laws and ordinances.
Statutory reference:
Duties of the Village Attorney, see G.S. § 160A-173
Taxes and assessments due the village shall be collected under the terms of an agreement between the village and Wayne County.
(Am. Ord., passed 12-5-17)
Clerk performs duties of Finance Officer, see § 21.01(F)
The Council shall provide for the appointment of a Finance Officer, whose duties shall be to:
(A) Keep the books and accounts of the village;
(B) Receive and disburse all monies of the village as required under state law;
(C) Preaudit all checks, drafts, contracts, purchase orders, or other documents obligating village funds;
(D) Report to the Council concerning the finances of the village, as they may require;
(E) Maintain all records of the bonded debt of the village and maintain sinking funds;
(F) Supervise the investment of idle funds; and
(G) Perform other duties assigned by the general statutes, the village Charter, or by the Council.
(Am. Ord., passed 12-5-17)
Clerk performs duties of Finance Officer, see G.S. § 159-25
Statutory reference:
Duties of the Finance Officer, see G.S. § 159-25
Fiscal control generally, see G.S. §§ 159-7 et seq.
(A) Appointment; compensation. The Village Council shall appoint an officer whose title shall be Village Administrator and who shall be the head of the administrative branch of the village government. The Village Administrator shall be chosen by the Village Council solely on the basis of qualifications. The Village Administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the Village Council and shall receive such salary as the Village Council shall fix.
(B) Powers and duties. The Village Administrator shall be the chief administrator of the town. He or she shall be responsible to the Village Council for administering all municipal affairs placed in his or her charge by them, and shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) He or she shall direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices, and agencies of the village, subject to the general direction and control of the Village Council, except as otherwise provided by law.
(2) He or she shall attend all meetings of the Village Council and recommend any measures that he or she deems expedient.
(3) He or she shall see that all laws of the state, the Village Charter, and the ordinances, resolutions, and regulations of the Village Council are faithfully executed within the town.
(4) He or she shall make any other reports that the Village Council may require concerning the operations of the village departments, offices, and agencies subject to his or her direction and control.
(5) He or she shall perform the duties of the Budget Officer.
(6) He or she shall perform any other duties that may be required or authorized by the Village Council.
(7) He or she shall perform the duties of Zoning Enforcement Officer.
(Am. Ord., passed 8-27-03; Am. Ord., passed 1-23-08; Am. Ord., passed 7-28-10; Am. Ord. passed 4-27-16; Am. Ord., passed 12-5-17)
The Village Council shall appoint an officer whose title shall be Assistant Zoning Enforcement Officer and who shall assist the Zoning Enforcement Officer in the performance of his or her duties. The Assistant Zoning Enforcement Officer, unless otherwise directed by the Village Council, shall, in the absence or disability of the Zoning Enforcement Officer, perform the duties and exercise the powers of that office.
(Ord., passed 6-26-02)
Zoning Enforcement Officer, see § 94.80
The Village Council may appoint an officer whose title shall be Assistant Village Administrator and who shall assist the Village Administrator in the performance of his or her duties. The Assistant Village Administrator, unless otherwise directed by the Village Council, shall in the absence or disability of a Village Administrator, perform the duties and exercise the powers of that office.
(Ord. passed 4-27-16)