   All approved plats to be presented to the Wayne County Register of Deeds for recording shall be in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
(Ord., passed 6-2-77)
   The sketch design plan should be drawn at a scale of approximately one inch to 200 feet and should show:
   (A)   Street rights-of-way
   (B)   Other rights-of-way and easements
   (C)   Lot lines, water courses, building, etc.
   (D)   Sites, if any, for schools, churches, parks, etc.
   (E)   Site data:
      (1)   Acreage in tract.
      (2)   Approximate acreage in parks or other land usage.
      (3)   Number of lots proposed.
   (F)   Sketch vicinity map showing relationship between subdivision and surrounding area.
(Ord., passed 6-2-77)
   The preliminary plat shall be at a scale of 100 feet to one inch or larger. The preliminary plat will show the following:
   (A)   Proposed name of subdivision
   (B)   The location of existing and platted property lines, streets, buildings, water courses, railroads, transmission lines, sewers, bridges, culverts and drainpipes, water mains, city and county lines (if adjoining) and any public utility easements. It will be noted if and when septic tanks are used in lieu of sewage system.
   (C)   Boundaries of track shown with bearings and distances.
   (D)   Wooded areas, marshes, and any other conditions affecting the site.
   (E)   Names of adjoining property owners or subdivisions.
   (F)   Zoning classification, if any, both on the land to be subdivided and on adjoining land.
   (G)   Proposed streets, street names, rights-of-way, pavement widths, approximate grades and design engineering data for all corners and curves. If any street is proposed to intersect with a state maintained road, approval by the State Division of Highways must accompany the plat.
   (H)   All other proposed rights-of-way or easements, locations, widths, and purposes.
   (I)   Proposed lot lines, lot and block numbers, and approximate dimensions.
   (J)   Proposed minimum building setback lines.
   (K)   Contour map with intervals of one foot.
   (L)   Proposed parks, school sites, or other public open spaces, if any.
   (M)   Title, data, north point and graphic scale.
   (N)   Name of owner, registered surveyor or engineer.
   (O)   Site data:
      (1)   Acreage in total tract
      (2)   Acreage in each land usage
      (3)   Average lot size
      (4)   Total number of lots
      (5)   Lineal feet in streets
      (6)   Square feet of each irregularly shaped lot on plat
   (P)   Sketch vicinity map showing relationship between subdivision and surrounding areas.
   (Q)   Proposed deed restrictions or similar covenants, and an erosion and sedimentation control plan in compliance with state and local ordinances.
(Ord., passed 6-2-77)
§ 93.33 FINAL PLAT.
   (A)   The final plat shall be drawn at a scale of 100 feet to one inch or larger, on a sheet with a maximum size of 24 inches by 36 inches. The final plat shall conform substantially to the preliminary plat as approved and shall constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which the subdivider proposes to record and develop at the time. The final plat will show:
      (1)   The name of the subdivision
      (2)   The lines and names of all streets and roads
      (3)   Lot lines and lot numbers
      (4)   Minimum building setback lines
      (5)   All reservations, easements, alleys and any areas to be dedicated to public use or sites for other than residential use with notes stating their purpose and any limitations.
      (6)   Sufficient data to determine readily and to reproduce on the ground, the location, bearing and length of every street line, whether curved or straight, and including true north point. This should include the radius, center angle, and tangent distance for the center line of curved streets and curved property lines that are not the boundary of curved streets.
      (7)   All dimensions should be to the nearest 1/10 of a foot and angles to the nearest minute.
      (8)   Accurate location and description of all monuments and stakes.
      (9)   The names and locations of adjoining subdivisions, and streets, and the location and ownership of adjoining unsubdivided property.
      (10)   Title, data, name and location of subdivision, graphic scale and true north point.
      (11)   Name of owner and of registered surveyor or professional engineer.
      (12)   Sketch vicinity map showing relationship between subdivision and surrounding area.
      (13)   Proposed deed restrictions or similar covenants, and an erosion and sedimentation control plan in compliance with state and local ordinances.
      (14)   Other information considered to be pertinent to review of final plat.
   (B)   The following certificates, where applicable, shall be placed on the final plat:
      (1)   I (We) hereby certify that I am (we are) the owner(s) of the property shown and described hereon which was conveyed to me (us) by deed recorded in Book               Page           and that I (we) hereby adopt this plan of subdivision with my (our) free consent, establish the minimum building lines, and dedicate all streets, a alleys, walks, parks, drainageways, and other open spaces to public or private use as noted. Further, I (we) certify that the land as shown hereon is within the subdivision regulations jurisdiction of The Village of Walnut Creek.
      (2)   I hereby certify that under my direction and supervision this plat, shown and described hereon, was drawn from an actual survey of land; that the Error of Closure is calculated by latitudes and departures with an accuracy of at least 1:7500, that the boundaries not surveyed are shown as broken lines; that this plat was prepared in accordance with G.S. § 47-30 as amended.
Witness may hand and Seal this          day of                 19    .
   Engineer of Land Surveyor
   Registration Number
      (3)   I hereby certify that the private water supply system and private sewage disposal systems installed or proposed for installation, in the subdivision, entitled                                                          , fully meets the requirements of the Wayne County Health Department, and are hereby approved as shown.
   Wayne County Health Director or Authorized Representative
      (4)   I hereby certify that the subdivision plat shown hereon has been found to comply with Subdivision Regulations of The Village of Walnut Creek, with all variances noted in the minutes of the Village Council, that all streets, utilities, and other improvements have been installed in an acceptable manner, or that adequate performance guarantees have been secured by the Village Council to insure completion of all required improvements in case of default, that all easements, rights-of-way and other land dedicated for public use shown hereon are accepted by The Village of Walnut Creek, which assumes no responsibility to open or maintain the same, and that this map has been approved for recording in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wayne County, North Carolina.
   The Village Council
   (C)   Black or blue line paper prints of all proposed community water and/or community sewage systems shall accompany all final plats. All community sewage collection systems must be accompanied by a permit or other evidence of approval from the North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources, Division of Environmental Management. All community or public water systems must be accompanied by a copy of the approved plans bearing the stamp of approval of the Division of Health Services, Department of Human Resources.
   (D)   In order for the Planning Board to approve the final plat, it must be accompanied by a letter from the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, approving the following: That all streets in the subdivision meet the standards of construction of the Division of Highways.
(Ord., passed 6-2-77; Am. Ord., passed 6-26-80; Am. Ord., passed 11-20-85; Am. Ord., passed 6-23-21)
   The following standards shall be considered the minimum requirements for all new subdivisions.
(Ord., passed 6-2-77)
§ 93.46 STREETS.
   (A)   In any new subdivision the street layout shall conform to the arrangement, width and location indicated on any official plans or maps for the village. In areas for which such plans have not been completed, the streets shall be designed and located in proper relation to existing and proposed streets, to the topography, to such natural features as streams and tree growth, to public convenience and safety, and to the proposed use of land to be served by such streets.
   (B)   The proposed street layout shall be made according to good land planning practice for the type of development proposed, and shall be coordinated with the street system of the surrounding areas. All streets must provide for the continuation or approximate projection of principal streets in surrounding areas and provide reasonable means of ingress and egress for surrounding acreage tracts. All streets shall be located a minimum distance of 150 feet from the boundary of the village, provided, however, that subject to the approval of the Village Council this provision shall not apply to the dead end of a street where it intersects with the village boundary.
   (C)   Minimum street right-of-way width shall be as follows:
      (1)   Inside Municipal Jurisdiction Where Permitted by Resolution
         Major thoroughfare    90 feet
         Minor thoroughfare    70 feet
         Local streets (residential)    60 feet
         Frontage road    60 feet
         Cul-de-sac    60 feet
         Cul-de-sac (turnarounds)   100 feet
         All other public rights-of-way    50 feet
      (2)   Subdivisions along existing streets of inadequate right- of-way to meet the minimum widths specified above. The entire right-of- way shall be provided where any part of a new subdivision is on both sides of an existing street, and one-half the required right-of-way measured from the center line of the existing street shall be provided where a new subdivision is located only on one side of an existing street.
   (D)   Where curbs and gutters are provided, the paving widths back- to-back of curbs shall be not less than the following:
         Major thoroughfares   32 feet
         Minor thoroughfares   32 feet
         Local Streets (residential)   29 feet
         Frontage roads   29 feet
         Cul-de-sac   29 feet
         Cul-de-sac (turnarounds)   80 feet
   (E)   Where curbs and gutters are not provided, the paving widths shall be not less than the following:
         Minor thoroughfares    20 feet
         Local streets (residential    20 feet
   (F)   Unless necessitated by exceptional topography and subject to the approval of the Planning Board, the grades shall be not more than 10% nor less than one-half of one percent on any street.
      (1)   Grades approaching intersections shall not exceed 5% for a distance of not less than 100 feet from the center line of the intersection.
      (2)   Street grades shall be established wherever practicable in such a manner as to avoid excessive grading, the promiscuous removal of ground cover and tree growth and general leveling of the topography.
      (3)   In the interest of public safety, no less than the minimum sight distance applicable shall be provided in every instance. Vertical curves that connect each change in grade shall be provided and calculated using the parameters listed below. (General practice calls for vertical curves to be multiples of 50 feet. Calculated lengths shall be rounded up in each case.)
Local Street
Minor Thoroughfare
Major Thoroughfare
Local Street
Minor Thoroughfare
Major Thoroughfare
Design Speed, mph
Stopping Sight Distance -
i. Minimum Stopping Distance, Feet
ii. Minimum K* Value For:
   a) Minimum Crest Vertical Curve
   b) Minimum SAG Vertical Curve
Passing Sight Distance -
i. Minimum Passing Distance, Feet (2 lane)
ii. Minimum K* Value for Crest Vertical Curve
*   is a coefficient by which the algebraic difference in grad may be multiplied to determine the length in feet of the vertical curve which will provide maximum sight distance.
Sight distance provided for stopping vehicles at intersections should be in accordance with, "A Policy on Geometric Design of Rural Highways."
   (G)   Superelevation for shoulder section shall not exceed .08 feet/foot of width and for curb and gutter section shall not be less than 0.02 feet/foot of width nor more than .06 feet/foot of width.
   (H)   When a continuous street center lines deflects at any point by more than ten degrees, such center shall follow the area of a circle having a radius as follows:
   Major thoroughfares   300 feet
   Minor thoroughfares   200 feet
   Local streets   100 feet
Click here to view Grades/Curves
   (I)   A tangent at least 100 feet long shall be provided between reverse curves on all streets.
   (J)   Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles and no street shall intersect any other street at less than 60 degrees.
      (1)   Street jogs with center line offsets of less than 150 feet shall be avoided.
      (2)   Intersections with a major thoroughfare (primary highway) or minor thoroughfare (major county road) shall be at least 800 feet apart.
      (3)   Property lines at street intersections shall be rounded with a minimum radius when required by the Planning Board.
   (K)   Permanent deadend streets or cul-de-sac shall be no longer than 600 feet and shall be provided at the closed end with a turnaround having an outside roadway diameter of at least 80 feet, and a street property line diameter of at least 100 feet.
   (L)   Street names for all subdivision plats shall be subject to the approval of the Village Council. New street names shall not duplicate or be similar to existing street names and existing street names shall be projected wherever possible.
   (M)   Where a tract of land to be subdivided adjoins a federal or state highway, the subdivider may be required to provide a frontage road parallel to the highway or reverse frontage on an interior street for the lots to be developed adjacent to the highway. If reverse frontage is required, then the subdivider shall be required to provide a ten-foot easement parallel and adjacent to the right-of-way of the highway. Such easement shall be restricted to the planting of trees or shrubs for screening purposes and shall be in addition to all other easements required by this ordinance.
   (N)   Where curbs and gutters are not installed, a minimum of 44 feet shall be left between drainage ditches along dedicated streets right-of-way.
   (O)   Drainage pipes, with a minimum diameter of 15 inches, shall be installed under driveways which cross drainage ditches. In some cases, a depression or swale may be substituted when the driveway is paved so that drainage is not obstructed, and approval is obtained from the Division of Highways.
Click here to view Street Types
Click here to view Intersections
   (P)   Except where curbs and gutters are installed, driveways shall be constructed so that surface water will not drain into the road or highway.
   (Q)   All unpaved areas of street rights-of-way shall be seeded and mulched according to Division of Highway specifications prior to being added to the highway system.
(Ord., passed 6-2-77; Am. Ord., passed 6-26-80; Am. Ord., passed 12-18-80; Am. Ord., passed 11-20-85)