The preliminary plat shall be at a scale of 100 feet to one inch or larger. The preliminary plat will show the following:
   (A)   Proposed name of subdivision
   (B)   The location of existing and platted property lines, streets, buildings, water courses, railroads, transmission lines, sewers, bridges, culverts and drainpipes, water mains, city and county lines (if adjoining) and any public utility easements. It will be noted if and when septic tanks are used in lieu of sewage system.
   (C)   Boundaries of track shown with bearings and distances.
   (D)   Wooded areas, marshes, and any other conditions affecting the site.
   (E)   Names of adjoining property owners or subdivisions.
   (F)   Zoning classification, if any, both on the land to be subdivided and on adjoining land.
   (G)   Proposed streets, street names, rights-of-way, pavement widths, approximate grades and design engineering data for all corners and curves. If any street is proposed to intersect with a state maintained road, approval by the State Division of Highways must accompany the plat.
   (H)   All other proposed rights-of-way or easements, locations, widths, and purposes.
   (I)   Proposed lot lines, lot and block numbers, and approximate dimensions.
   (J)   Proposed minimum building setback lines.
   (K)   Contour map with intervals of one foot.
   (L)   Proposed parks, school sites, or other public open spaces, if any.
   (M)   Title, data, north point and graphic scale.
   (N)   Name of owner, registered surveyor or engineer.
   (O)   Site data:
      (1)   Acreage in total tract
      (2)   Acreage in each land usage
      (3)   Average lot size
      (4)   Total number of lots
      (5)   Lineal feet in streets
      (6)   Square feet of each irregularly shaped lot on plat
   (P)   Sketch vicinity map showing relationship between subdivision and surrounding areas.
   (Q)   Proposed deed restrictions or similar covenants, and an erosion and sedimentation control plan in compliance with state and local ordinances.
(Ord., passed 6-2-77)