(A)   Specific prohibition. Parking on Main Street by employers, employees, and public servants is prohibited from May 15 to September 15.
   (B)   Legislative purposes and policy. The City Council adopts as a policy of the city that effective and efficient control and regulation of parking, granting free parking to certain classes of persons and prohibiting free parking to other classes of persons in certain designated areas of the city for the purposes of maintaining and increasing the wealth and prosperity of the city, to assure and increase the comfort, safety, health, and welfare of the city and its inhabitants as well as to enhance public convenience.
      (1)   The City Council finds that parking regulations which restrict and limit the time which the public (excepting those persons who are owners of and employed by private enterprise, professional persons and their employees, and persons who are employed in city or government service by others) is detrimental to public safety and convenience, continuing prosperity of the city, future growth of the downtown central business district, maintenance of current taxable valuations of downtown central business district property, and a threat to the ability of the city to continue to provide its inhabitant with reasonable governmental services at reasonable rates of taxation.
      (2)   Among other factors not herein recited, the city finds that limited free parking is desirable:
         (a)   To promote public health and safety by encouraging more available on-street parking spaces in the downtown central business district especially during the tourist season, thereby reducing traffic in such area by limiting vehicle traffic otherwise searching for available and convenient on-street parking spaces;
         (b)   To promote the economic well-being of existing business enterprises and rental properties thereby preventing, in whole or in part, blight and lack of maintenance and care which would reduce property values with resultant reduction in taxable valuations which would reduce the tax revenues of the city and other taxing authorities, and detract from the city’s ability to provide for the public safety, health, welfare, and well-being;
         (c)   Because those persons prevented from utilizing unlimited free on-street parking have been provided reasonable provision for free alternate parking; and
         (d)   That a viable and progressive downtown central business district is essential to the growth and well-being of the city.
   (C)   Definition. EMPLOYERS, EMPLOYEES, AND PUBLIC SERVANTS means all persons who own, operate, manage, or are employed by retail and wholesale business enterprises located in the downtown central business district; all persons who are employed by the city, state, or federal government or any other governmental agency; all professional persons and their employees and all persons and their employees whose offices or principal place of employment is located in the downtown central business district; all persons who reside in the downtown central business district; and all persons employed by an organization, association, corporation, or other entity not herein defined where the office or place of employment is located within the downtown central business district. This definition includes both full-time and part-time employees.
   (D)   Parking prohibited in certain areas. No employer, employee, or public servant (as defined in division (C) above) shall park on Main Street from 7th Avenue to 4th Avenue for more than 15 minutes between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. while they are on duty at a Main Street business. Subject to all other provisions of this code, there shall be no time limit for parking in the downtown central business district by any other persons other than an employer, employee, or public servant as defined in this section.
   (E)   Violations; fine deposits. Any violation of this section shall be a traffic violation subject to all of the provisions of this code and shall subject the violator to an initial fee in such amount as is determined from time to time by the City Council members and shall be on file in the office of the City Finance Officer in the annual fee schedule.
   (F)   Enforcement. This section shall be enforceable by law enforcement.
(Prior Code, § 10.04.030) (Ord. 03-6, passed - -; Ord. 13-01, passed 9-5-2013)