(A)   The City Council deems it unnecessary to hold a special meeting when an emergency occurs and approved monies are needed for the immediate repair.
   (B)   Purchases for routine maintenance supplies, not to exceed the amount of $3,500, shall be approved by the Public Works Department, the Finance Officer, and the Mayor. Should repairs other than routine be needed, an emergency meeting of the applicable committee members, the Public Works Director, the Finance Office, and the Mayor may be called. Issues other than emergencies are to be resolved at regular Council meetings. The emergency spending cost cannot exceed the amount of $20,000, at which time a special City Council meeting would become necessary.
   (C)   The City Council grants committees the authority to approve emergency spending not to exceed $20,000.
(Prior Code, § 3.24.010) (Ord. 07-10, passed - -; Ord. 11-10, passed 9-8-2011)