(A)   Appointment. The Mayor may appoint, with approval of the City Council, a Public Works Superintendent, who shall hold office for the duration of his or her appointment or until such time as he or she shall be removed by the Mayor.
   (B)   Duties. The Public Works Superintendent shall supervise all municipal work as follows.
      (1)   He or she shall supervise the grading, surfacing, repairs, and maintenance of all streets and alleys.
      (2)   He or she shall supervise the installation and maintenance of all sewer lines in the city, except the installation of sewer projects which are accomplished by contract.
      (3)   He or she shall supervise the installation and maintenance of all water mains and water services, except the installation of water mains so accomplished by contract.
      (4)   He or she shall supervise the maintenance of city parks and public grounds.
      (5)   He or she shall have charge of and supervise the repair and upkeep of all public works equipment.
      (6)   He or she may employ, with the consent of the Mayor and the City Council, such help as is needed to carry on the work of the city, such help to be directly under his or her supervision.
      (7)   The Superintendent shall present to the City Council at its regular meeting each month a written report of the public works accomplished the preceding month and also, as far as can be foreseen, public works planned for the current month.
(Prior Code, § 1-7-6)