(A) Position established. There is hereby established the position of City Administrator.
(Prior Code, § 1-6-1)
(B) Appointment. A City Administrator may be appointed by the Mayor, with the majority consent of the full City Council. The City Administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor, subject to the removal provisions set forth in Idaho Code § 50-206, or its successor, unless said City Administrator is a party to an express employment contract, approved by the Mayor and City Council, which provides otherwise. Such a contract is hereby authorized. The City Administrator shall be subject to policy direction and supervision by the Mayor.
(Prior Code, § 1-6-2)
(C) Responsibilities. The City Administrator shall be responsible for management and supervision of the city and/or its departments, as designated by the Mayor. Such duties may be changed at any time by direction of the Mayor or by resolution of the City Council. Unless otherwise directed by the Mayor or by formal City Council action, the City Administrator shall have supervisory authority concerning the activities of all city operating departments.
(Prior Code, § 1-6-3)
(D) Additional rights, duties, and obligations. Such additional rights, duties, and responsibilities as the Mayor and City Council deem appropriate to assign to the City Administrator may be set forth in mayoral directives or City Council resolutions addressing such matters. Such resolutions shall be maintained in the records of the City Clerk/Treasurer. Any rights or administrative prerogatives established by such resolutions shall inure to the administrative position held by the City Administrator and shall not be personal rights of the individual appointed to the position.
(Prior Code, § 1-6-4)
(Ord. 96-01, passed 3-7-1996)
(A) Appointments. The Mayor shall appoint, subject to approval of the City Council, a City Clerk/Treasurer, City Attorney, and Chief of Police. The Mayor may appoint, subject to approval by the City Council, such other officers as may be deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the business of the city.
(B) Terms of office. All appointments under this chapter shall be deemed to be for an indeterminate period of time or in accordance with any applicable contract thereto. Termination of any appointed official’s term of office may be effected by the Mayor, at any time, subject to the approval of the City Council of the Mayor’s action, at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose, or, where applicable, in accordance with any contractual agreement executed by the parties thereto.
(Prior Code, § 1-7-1)
(A) Duties.
(1) As City Clerk. In all cases where the duty is not expressly charged to any other department or office, the City Clerk/Treasurer shall have supervision, control, and responsibility of all of the records of the city. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall serve as City Clerk of the City Council and perform such other duties of a like nature as shall be required by the City Council.
(a) Records of City Council. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall be responsible for the recording, filing, indexing, and safekeeping of all proceedings of the City Council and shall have published all proceedings, legal notices, ordinances, and resolutions that are required to be published by this code or by state statute.
(b) Ordinances. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall record in full, uniformly and permanently, all ordinances and shall authenticate the same.
(c) Election records. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall keep and maintain all election records and have custody of all property used in connection with elections.
(d) Notify of term expirations. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall notify the appointing authority of the impending expiration of the term of office of a member of any board or commission at least 30 days before the expiration of the term.
(e) Official seal. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall be the custodian of the official seal of the city.
(f) Copies of records. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall furnish to any member of the City Council a certified copy of any record or document in his or her custody, and he or she may furnish such a copy to any other person upon payment of a fee to be determined by the City Council.
(g) License. In all cases where the duty is not expressly charged to any other department or office, the City Clerk/Treasurer shall issue all licenses in accordance with the provisions of this code. A record of all licenses issued, including the name of the person to whom issued, the amount of the license fee, and the purpose of the license, shall be kept by the City Clerk/Treasurer.
(h) Bonds. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall keep a complete record of all outstanding bonds of the city and report such record regularly to the City Council.
(i) Warrants. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall countersign all warrants and keep a warrant register and abstract of expenditures showing the number of warrants issued and the person to whom issued, the date redeemed, the interest paid, and the several funds against which each of said warrants is drawn.
(2) As Treasurer. In all cases where the duty is not expressly charged to any other department or office, the City Clerk/Treasurer shall act to promote, secure, and preserve the financial and property interests of the city. He or she shall safely keep in designated depositories (as described in § 11.04) all funds belonging to the city and all other securities in safety deposit boxes of an approved institution designated by the City Council.
(a) Accounts. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall keep, in proper books, a full and accurate account of all the monies received and disbursed by him or her on behalf of the city, specifying the time of receipt and disbursement, from whom received and to whom disbursed, on what account received and disbursed, and how paid.
(b) Monies.
1. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall receive and have custody of all monies paid to the city and shall disburse monies upon the official warrant of the city when so ordered by the City Council.
2. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk/Treasurer, before receiving money from any officer of the city or other person, to require said officer or person to apply for a certificate authorizing the City Clerk/Treasurer to receive said money; said certificate shall show the name of the officer or person paying said money, the amount, for what received, and the fund to which the same is apportioned, and the City Clerk/Treasurer shall attach a copy of said certificate to his or her monthly report.
(B) Warrants.
(1) Payment. Warrants shall be paid by the City Clerk/Treasurer from funds available in the order in which the warrants are presented for payment. When a warrant is presented for payment and no funds are available, the City Clerk/Treasurer shall plainly mark the warrant “Not Paid for Want of Funds” and enter the same in a book maintained for such purpose, which shall be known as the “Warrant Register.” Such warrants shall bear interest at the rate of 7% per annum from the date of presentation until paid. Warrants shall be called for payment in the order in which they were presented whenever sufficient funds are available to the City Clerk/Treasurer to make such payment.
(2) Cancellation. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall cancel all warrants and other evidence of debt against the city, whenever paid by him, by writing or stamping across the face thereof the words “Paid by the City Clerk/Treasurer” with the date of payment written or stamped thereon. These warrants and evidences of debt so cancelled shall be filed immediately with the city.
(C) Claims and damages.
(1) Claims. All claims against the city must be filed, in writing, with the City Clerk/Treasurer. Claims must present a full account of the items and must contain a verification, under oath, by the claimant to the effect that the claim is correct, reasonable, and just and that no part of said claim has been paid. All such claims must be approved by the City Council before payment can be made.
(2) Damages. All claims for damages against the city must be filed with the City Clerk/Treasurer within six months after such time as the damage is alleged to have accrued. All such claims shall specify the time, place, character, and cause of damage, and no action shall be maintained against the city for any claim for damages until after 60 days have elapsed after such presentation. Allowance of any claim for damages against the city shall be made only by ordinance.
(D) Reports.
(1) Monthly report. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall make a detailed report to the City Council during the first week of each month showing the business of his or her office during the month preceding, showing the balance on hand to the credit of the different funds, the amounts received during the month, and on what account, together with such other information as may be required by the City Council.
(2) Quarterly report. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall cause to be published for at least one insertion in the official newspaper of the city a full statement of the receipts and expenditures of the city showing sources of revenue and disposition of funds. This quarterly report shall be published before the third Monday of the months of February, May, August, and November.
(E) Delivery to successor. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall deliver, to his or her successor in office, all materials, records, and resources of the office.
(G) As referenced. The City Clerk shall function as the City Treasurer; throughout this code of ordinances, where the position of City Clerk or City Treasurer is referenced, they shall mean the City Clerk/Treasurer as defined in this section.
(Prior Code, § 1-7-4)