Editor's note:
The provisions of this chapter amend or replace sections of Title XV of the Minnesota Basic Code as noted.
General Provisions
177.01 Definitions
177.02 Conditional uses
177.10 Fences in yards
177.11 Fences located along property lines
177.12 Fences located within required yards
177.13 Fences located within buildable area
177.14 Swimming pool safety fence
Editor’s note:
Sections 177.10 through 177.14, regarding fences, amend Minnesota Basic Code Chapter 151.
Section 151.04 of the Minnesota Basic Code, regarding zoning definitions, shall be amended as follows:
DWELLING, TWIN HOME. Residential properties with two separate living units that share a common wall but are built on two separate lots.
(Ord. passed - - )
Section 151.21(D)(6) of the Minnesota Basic Code, regarding R-1 Single Family Residential District conditional uses, shall be amended as follows:
Side yards. Five feet.
(A) Exception in the case of a twin home. It is an authorized use in residential districts to allow for the construction of twin homes with “zero lot line” on a single side lot.
ZERO LOT LINE means a condition where regulations for a side yard can be modified or waived to allow structures or dwellings to share a common wall that is placed on the side lot line that separates the individual lots, from each other, and the lots are in a subdivided plat.
(B) A zero setback is allowable in approved zoning areas.
(C) Utilization of the zero lot line regulation under this subchapter requires the approval from the planning commission, if a planning commission is not available City Council can act on the planning commission’s behalf.
(Ord. passed - - )
Fences in all yards are subject to the following.
(A) That side of the fence considered to be the face (finished side as opposed to structural supports) shall face abutting property.
(B) Fences over six feet in height from the finished grade shall require a building permit in addition to any other required permits.
(C) No fence shall be permitted on public rights-of-way.
(Ord. passed - - )