Editor's note:
The provisions of this chapter amend or replace sections of Title IX of the Minnesota Basic Code as noted.
Weeds and Grass
174.01 Height; removal
174.02 Notice of abatement
174.03 Scope
174.15 Limiting numbers
174.16 Running at large prohibited
174.17 Declaration of nuisance
174.18 Impoundment
174.19 Release from impoundment
174.20 Registering
174.21 Boarding and impoundment fees
174.22 Exceptions
174.23 Immobilization
174.24 Dangerous animals
174.25 Regulation of vicious dogs and cats
174.26 Owner responsibility
174.27 Adoption of Minnesota Statutes
174.28 Non-domestic animals
Editor’s note:
Sections 174.15 through 174.28, regarding domestic and non-domestic animals, replace Minnesota Basic Code Chapter 91.
174.40 Tobacco and cannabis free parks
Streets and Sidewalks
174.50 Parking on sidewalks
174.99 Penalty
Section 92.38 of the Minnesota Basic Code, regarding weeds and grass height and removal, shall be replaced as follows:
(A) Height. It shall be unlawful for any owner, lessee, or occupant, or managing officer, agent, representative, or employee of any such owner, lessee or occupant having control of any occupied or unoccupied lot or land or any part thereof in the city to permit or maintain on any such lot or land, or on or along the sidewalk, street or alley adjacent to the lot or land between the property line and the curb or middle of the alley or for ten feet outside the property line if there be no curb, any growth of weeds, grass, or other rank vegetation to a greater height than six inches on the average, or any accumulation of dead weeds, grass, or brush.
(B) Removal.
(1) It shall the duty of any owner, lessee, or occupant of any lot or land to cut and remove or cause to be removed all the weeds, grass, or other rank vegetation as often as may be necessary to comply with the provisions of division (A) above; provided that cutting and removing the weeds, grass and rank vegetation at least once in every three weeks, between May 15 and September 15 of each year, shall be deemed to be a compliance with this subchapter.
(2) It shall also be unlawful for anyone to place weeds, grass, or other rank vegetation, including leaves; on the street; alleyway; or gutters when removing weeds, grass, or other rank vegetation, including leaves; from any lot or land.
(Ord. 60, passed - - )