(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person, to own, keep or harbor a dog or cat within the city without having first paid to the city, at City Hall, an initial license fee of an amount as established by the City Council from time to time for each dog or cat. The license fee required by this section shall be due and payable as soon as the dog or cat attains three months of age and the dog or cat receives a rabies vaccination as required herein.
   (B)   Upon payment of the license fee required by this section, it shall be the duty of the city to furnish the owner of the dog with a metal tag of distinctive design, on one side of which shall be stamped the words “City of Wake Village” and the serial number of the dog or cat. Every dog or cat covered by this chapter must have and wear a collar of such type that the city license tag may be firmly attached to the collar. Such tag, when issued, shall at all times be securely attached to the dog’s or cat’s collar or harness, and failure to keep the tag on the dog’s or cat’s collar shall be unlawful.
   (C)   The license as referred to in this section shall be effective for the year after its issuance and must be renewed in each subsequent year in the same month it was originally issued. The fee for each annual renewal license shall be paid to the City Secretary. Failure to renew a license in any year subsequent to its initial issuance shall cause the license to lapse. The fee for the issuance of a license as required by this division after the lapse of a previously issued license shall be the same as that of an annual license. The fees and fee schedule shall be prescribed by the City Council and shall be made available at city hall.
   (D)   This license shall be nontransferable and must be returned to the Animal Control Department or City Secretary upon the death of the dog.
   (E)   Every person, group of persons or corporation engaged in the commercial business of buying, selling, breeding or boarding and who own, harbor or keep five or more dogs in maintaining a kennel as defined in § 90.01 shall pay an annual fee to the collector in an amount as established by the City Council.
   (F)   The owner may obtain a duplicate tag, if the tag is lost, by payment of an amount as established by the City Council.
(Ord. 14-09, passed 10-12-2009)  Penalty, see § 90.99