(a)   Purpose. This district is established to provide suitable areas for new development of single residential land uses and other compatible activities in keeping with a residential area.
   (b)   Permitted Uses. In the residential zoning district the following uses are permitted:
      (1)   Single family residential dwellings
      (2)   Schools
      (3)   Home occupation
      (4)   Accessory uses such as private garages, swimming pools, see Section 1127.02(b)(7) and accessory structures such as storage sheds and barns.
      (5)   Any other use deemed to be similar in accordance with Section 1135.06.
   (c)   Conditional Uses. The following uses may be approved by the Planning Commission in accordance with Section 1135.07.
      (1)   Bed and breakfast establishments
      (2)   Renting rooms
      (3)   Cemeteries
      (4)   Public recreational facilities
      (5)   Private recreational facilities (excluding recreational vehicle parks or recreation camps)
      (6)   Two and three family dwellings
      (7)   Accessory uses and structures on an individual lot without a principal use or structure. However, such accessory uses and structures such as garages, storage barns and other similar buildings shall only be permitted on a lot which is able to sustain both a residence and an accessory building.
   (d)   Area Regulations.
      (1)   Minimum lot area 9,375 square feet
      (2)   Minimum lot width at minimum building setback line 75 feet
      (3)   Minimum front yard depth. 25 feet from the edge of the street right-of-way, see Section 1127.02(b) for additional requirements
      (4)   Minimum rear yard depth 35 feet, see Section 1127.02(b) for additional yard requirements
      (5)   Minimum side yard width 5 feet, see Section 1127.02(b) for additional yard and buffering requirements
      (6)   Minimum living area per dwelling unit. A dwelling unit shall have not less than 1000 square feet of gross floor area measured at the foundation.
      (7)   Height regulations. No building shall exceed 35 feet in height except for accessory structures including but not limited to radio towers, antennas, flag poles and chimneys.
      (8)   Off street parking. Off street parking shall be provided in accordance with Section 1131.10.
      (9)   Signs. Signs advertising, or displaying the names and activities of services of any non-residential use permitted herein shall not exceed nine square feet in total sign area. Such signs shall be made of wood and shall be affixed to the principal structure in a place other than on the roof. Sign regulations pertaining to home occupations or bed and breakfast establishments are as specified in Sections 1127.06 and 1127.07.
         (Ord. 2000-0-03. Passed 3-13-00.)