(a)   Within most zoning districts there are conditional uses which are uses which may be acceptable within a particular zoning district in certain circumstances and with certain limitations. To provide necessary control over the location of such uses, the Planning Commission shall review applications for conditional uses. The review of proposed conditional uses shall be approved or denied on an individual basis using the following criteria:
      (1)   That the proposed use will not, under the specific circumstances, be detrimental or otherwise disturb surrounding property or the community as a whole; and
      (2)   That the proposed use will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this chapter.
   (b)   In making its decision, the Planning Commission may approve the location of the conditional use with stipulations, and specific requirements. Such requirements might include additional buffering at one location, no illumination of signs, greater setbacks for specific areas, screening of parking facilities, etc.
   (c)   In addition to the typical application requirements established for a zoning permit, applications for conditional use permits shall also include a list of property owners within 200 feet of the property in question who shall be notified by first class mail of the Planning Commission meeting during which the proposed conditional use will be considered.
   (d)   All conditional use permits shall authorize one particular conditional use and such permit shall expire if such use is not commenced within one year, or if such use is discontinued for more than two consecutive years.
   (e)   All conditional uses shall be subject to an annual review by the Zoning Inspector. Such an annual review shall involve an examination of the property to an extent necessary for the Zoning Inspector to determine that the property, and the uses thereon, comply with the requirements of this chapter as well as any conditions or restrictions placed on the property when the conditional use was approved.
(Ord. 2000-0-03. Passed 3-13-00.)