City Property
95.001 Maintenance and control
95.002 Opening, widening, improving or vacating
95.003 Protection from damage
95.004 Obstructions prohibited; permitted exceptions
95.005 Weeds
95.006 Sale and conveyance of real property
95.0061 Sale and conveyance of personal property
95.007 Special improvement district; assessment and creation procedure
95.008 Land adjacent to improvement district
95.009 Acquisition of real property
95.010 Acquisition of real property; appraisal
95.011 Public works involving architecture or engineering; requirements
95.030 Definitions
95.031 (Reserved)
95.032 Requirement to keep clean
95.033 (Reserved)
95.034 Construction by owner
95.035 Repair
95.036 Construction by city
95.037 Construction bids
95.038 Construction by petition
95.039 Construction specifications
95.040 Notice requirements
95.055 Numbering required
95.056 Names and numbers
95.057 Excavation
95.058 Harmful liquids
95.059 Eave and gutter spouts
95.060 Heavy equipment
95.061 Construction notice
95.062 Pipe lines and wires
95.063 Construction assessment
95.064 Petition for improvements
95.065 Deferral from special assessments
95.066 Driveway approaches
95.067 Vacating public ways
Curb and Gutter
95.080 Cutting curb
Event Permit and Regulations for Use of City Streets
95.100 Definitions
95.101 Permit required
95.102 Permit application; procedure for filing
95.103 Permit application standards
95.104 Permit application notice of rejection
95.105 Permit application; notice to city and other officials
95.106 Permit application approval
95.107 Permit revocation
95.108 Appeal procedure
95.109 Alternative permit
95.110 Duties of permittee
95.111 Public conduct during events
95.112 Exceptions