The following restrictions shall apply to non-residential uses in the High Street Transitional Business Overlay District:
   (A)   Limitation on square footage of non-residential uses.
      (1)   When the original use is a permitted use, the floor area for the non-residential use shall not exceed the floor area of the primary structure as listed in the Medina County Auditor's records as of the date these regulations are adopted.
      (2)   When the original use is a conditionally-permitted use or a non-conforming use, the floor area for the non-residential use shall not exceed 2,500 sq. ft. or the actual floor area of the primary structure as listed in the Medina County Auditor's records as of the date these regulations are adopted; whichever is less.
   (B)   New construction for a non-residential uses is discouraged. However, when new construction for a non-residential use is necessary, the structure shall be designed to look like other traditional single family dwellings found in the corridor and shall not exceed a floor area of 2,500 sq. ft. New construction shall comply with the underlying zoning district's setback and height requirements.
   (C)   No building additions shall be permitted in order to expand an allowable non-residential uses beyond 10% of the structure's original size and no addition shall increase total building floor area above the limitations noted in division (A) of this section.
   (D)   No non-residential use may be conducted in a detached garage or other accessory structure.
   (E)   No non-residential business use in this overlay district may employ more than five persons, including the owner/operator, at any given time.
   (F)   All structures built for a residential use and converted to an allowable non-residential or mixed residential/commercial use shall be required to demonstrate compliance with applicable commercial building, fire and health codes and provide evidence of such compliance to the Building and Planning Department.
(Ord. 23-031, passed 5-3-23)