Accessory off-street parking spaces shall be provided not less than as set forth in the following schedule:
   (A)   Residential.
Building, Use or Activity
Minimum Spaces Required
One-, two- and multiple-family dwellings.
2 per dwelling unit. All single-family and two-family detached dwellings shall have one or more enclosed garage spaces per dwelling unit.
The garage may be attached or detached from the dwelling unit.
Rented rooms
1 per rented room, plus 1 per resident family
Hotel, motel, tourist home
1 per rental unit, plus 1 for each employee (see also requirements for places of assembly, places serving food and drink, and any other applicable requirements)
   (B)   Community facilities and institutions.
Building, Use or Activity
Minimum Spaces Required
Art galleries, libraries, museums
4 per 1,000 square feet of floor area
Auditoriums, gymnasiums, places of worship (excluding schools)
1 per 3 seats of area used for public assembly
Elementary, middle and high schools
Parking for these uses shall be developed so as to be sufficient to meet all the parking needs of the proposed use. No parking, loading or servicing shall be done on the street right-of-way or landscaped areas
Child care, nursery schools
1.5 per employee
Health facilities; general and special use hospitals
2 per bed
Nursing home, sanitarium
1 per 2 beds
   (C)   Recreation: community and commercial.
Building, Use or Activity
Minimum Spaces Required
Dance halls, skating rink, swimming pool, lodge hall, assembly room
1 per 75 square feet of the area devoted to recreational activity and to spectators
Tennis courts
4 per court
Bowling alleys
10 per lane
Indoor theater
1 for each 3 seats
   (D)   Businesses and offices.
Building, Use or Activity
Minimum Spaces Required
Building, Use or Activity
Minimum Spaces Required
Shopping centers:
5.5 per 1,000 square feet GLA
(1) More than 4 uses, but less than 400,000 square feet gross leasable area GLA
(2) More than 400,000 square feet GLA
5.0 per 1,000 square feet GLA
Retail stores and services:
(1) Less than 4,000 square feet per unit
8 per 1,000 square feet of customer service area, but not less than 6 spaces
(2) 4,000 to 10,000 square feet per unit
7 per 1,000 square feet of customer service area
(3) 10,000 square feet or more per unit GLA
5.5 per 1,000 square feet GLA
Places serving food and drink
1 per 75 square feet of customer service area or 1 per each 2 seats
(1) Medical and dental, banks
5 per 1,000 square feet gross floor area but not less than 1 space
(2) Other types
4 per 1,000 square feet gross floor area but not less than 1 space
   (E)   Manufacturing, warehousing, distribution.
Building, Use or Activity
Minimum Spaces Required
1 per 1,000 square feet gross floor area but not less than 1 space
1 per 1,000 square feet gross floor area but not less than 1 space
1 per 5,000 square feet gross floor area but not less than 1 space
   (F)   Airport hangar.
Building, Use or Activity
Minimum Spaces Required
Pleasure aircraft hangar
1 for each aircraft stored therein
Corporate aircraft hangar
2 for each aircraft stored therein
Parking space within a hangar may be utilized if actual room therein permits.
   (G)   Aircraft sales and service. One for each employee plus one for each 1,200 square feet of space in the building. Outside aircraft storage must be provided as designated by the Planning Commission for the type of operation conducted in the building, but a minimum of one space for parking of one aircraft outside the building must be provided.
   (H)   Requirements for additional buildings or uses. For buildings or uses not scheduled above, the Planning Commission shall apply the unit of measurement set forth in the above schedule which is deemed to be most similar to the proposed building or use.
   (I)   Parking for single and mixed uses. A building or group of buildings occupied by two to four different uses or activities operating normally during the same hours shall provide spaces for not less than the sum of the spaces required for each use. A unit development of five or more retail stores and services, such as shopping centers, shall provide spaces for the total area of the building or buildings, as set forth in the schedule instead of the total requirements based on separate uses. Whenever a group of adjoining commercial sites have been developed and are owned separately, the Commission may find it to be in the public interest to encourage the coordination of the circulation system by agreements covering shared parking facilities, including coordination and unification of ingress and egress driveways.
   (J)   Joint use. Institutions and places of amusement or assembly may make arrangements with business establishments which normally have different hours of operation for sharing up to, but not more than, 50% of their requirements. The Commission shall require evidence of an agreement covering shared facilities. Should a change in conditions cause a shortage in parking spaces, the required spaces shall be provided elsewhere as a condition precedent to the continued use of the building or use. The parking space must be within 500 feet as measured along lines of public access.
   (K)   Parking district. Commercial uses which shall be subject to a parking assessment or fee levied within a parking district, when established, shall be exempt from the requirements of this section.
   (L)   Senior citizen housing. The Commission may reduce the number of parking spaces required for senior citizen housing (well elderly or congregate type) where the applicant demonstrates that fewer spaces shall be necessary. When considering a reduction in the parking standard, the Commission shall review the expected economic status of potential residents, available public transportation, retail and personal services within walking distance and community facilities within the building(s) to be used by nonresidents. If the Commission permits a reduction in parking requirements, an area equal to the difference between one space per living unit and the number of spaces actually provided shall be reserved on the site for expansion of the parking area if necessary in the future. The potential expansion area shall be landscaped. The Commission may also increase the parking standard when significant numbers of nonresidents shall use community facilities within the building(s).
   (M)   Illumination of parking areas. Parking areas shall be illuminated to protect the public safety whenever the public street lights are lit and when the buildings served are in operation. The lighting fixtures shall be designed and located so as not to reflect direct rays of light in adjoining residential districts and streets. Intensity shall not be of excessive brightness or cause a safety hazard to users of such parking spaces or occupants of adjoining premises. Flickering or moving of intermittent illumination shall not be permitted.
   (N)   Landscaping. Landscape features or other visual barriers between all parking areas and a side or rear lot line of an adjoining residential district shall be required. In all commercial and residential districts landscaping shall also be required within parking lots with a capacity of more than 20 cars. Such landscaping shall also be required around the perimeter of parking areas adjacent to a public street.
   (O)   Drive-in storage area. Drive-in facilities which provide services to customers waiting in their cars, such as fast food pick-up windows, drive-in bank windows and car washes, shall provide storage area for 15 waiting vehicles in order to ensure that waiting vehicles shall not extend into a public right-of-way. The Commission may increase the required storage area for uses which shall require additional vehicle storage space.
   (P)   Parking requirements when change in nonconforming use to a permitted use. When a nonconforming use is changed into a permitted use or a conditionally permitted use and there is no new building or addition to a building made, then no additional parking need be required if the permitted use or conditionally permitted use will not create the need for more parking space than the pre-existing nonconforming use, if approved by the Planning Commission.
('65 Code, § 1353.04)