(A)   Minimum front yard depth: 50 feet from the public right-of-way.
   (B)   Minimum rear yard depth: 25 feet when adjacent to a residential district.
   (C)   Minimum side yard depth: 25 feet when adjacent to a residential district.
   (D)   Height regulations: Any area so shown on the zoning districts map and consisting of the area within 500 feet of all sides of an active runway and extending 1,000 feet from the ends of an active runway, starting at a width of 200 feet and terminating at a width of 500 feet, shall be designated as an airport hazard area and the following regulations shall apply:
      (1)   No structure or object of natural growth shall exceed a height of a line starting at the ends of any active runway and extending at a slope of 30:1 to a distance of 1,000 feet and covering an area from the ends of the runway at a width of 200 feet and terminating at a width of 500 feet at the distance of 1,000 feet.
      (2)   No structures or object of natural growth shall be constructed within 150 feet of an active runway.
      (3)   All structures or objects of natural growth within 500 feet of an active runway shall have a red light attached to their highest point, which light shall be illuminated between sunset and sunrise.
      (4)   In areas within 500 feet of any active runway, a structure exceeding 35 feet in height shall be permitted only upon a finding by the Board Of Zoning Appeals that it does not constitute a menace to safety.
   (E)   Off-street parking: As required in §§ 154.405 through 154.409.
('65 Code, § 1347.03)