17.58.090   Exceptions.
   Within the downtown retail overlay district, design and construction conditions exist that are unique and are not generally found elsewhere in the city. Structures were often constructed on or near lot lines and abut one another in many cases. Storefronts and building facades have often been redesigned, covered or otherwise subjected to major alterations over the years. Due to these peculiar conditions, it is sometimes in the interest of enhancing the character of the district to make an exception to the building design criteria in this chapter and/or signage, landscaping, setbacks, fencing and screening requirements of the Visalia zoning ordinance. Where it is deemed that the physical and economic well-being of the district would be better served by such an exception rather than the strict application of the above mentioned building design criteria and other ordinance requirements, the site plan review committee may recommend to the planning commission that such exception be made, pursuant to Section 17.42.030. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: prior code § 7729)