17.58.084   Standards applying to new buildings.
   The following standards shall apply to new buildings within the downtown retail overlay district. The objective of this section is to ensure that contemporary design is compatible with the traditional theme and character of the downtown retail overlay district. The effect of the proposed design of new construction on the overall character of the district should be the first frame of reference for such compatibility. The next consideration should be the effect of the proposed design on the adjacent buildings and streetscape.
   A.   New construction shall maintain the continuity of existing rows of buildings; facades shall be constructed at the property line facing the street, or at a setback even with that of adjacent buildings.
   B.   New buildings shall be constructed to within ten (10) percent of the maximum height of adjacent buildings. The scale of new architectural elements should be consistent with that of adjacent structures.
   C.   Brick is the preferred exterior building material for new construction. The color texture should be similar to that of brick traditionally used in the district.
   D.   The scale of window and door openings in new buildings should approximate that of the traditional architecture of the district. The base of window openings shall be a maximum of thirty (30) inches above ground level. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017)