17.26.050   Application procedures.
   The following procedures specify the process for review of a planned development.
   A.   Pre-Application Review. Pre-application review shall be a two-step process including a mandatory meeting with the planning department and submittal of a concept plan to the site plan review committee. Such pre-application review shall include, but is not limited to, the following elements:
   1.   Site area and location;
   2.   Land use relationships within and outside the proposed site;
   3.   Circulation and access;
   4.   Environmental features;
   5.   Open space and project amenities;
   6.   Available and needed public improvements and facilities.
   B.   Application Process. After completing the pre-application review process the owner, or agent, shall file an application for a planned development. Such application submittal shall be processed as a conditional use permit and shall require a site plan review permit. The city planner shall determine the extent of development detail required as part of the application submittal. Such details may include, but is not limited to, the following:
   1.   Legal description and boundary survey map of the exterior boundaries of land to be developed;
   2.   A topographic map indicating anticipated grading or fill areas, groupings of existing trees, and other natural features;
   3.   For residential development:
   a.   The number and type of dwelling units. This may be stated as a range of maximum and minimum number of units by type,
   b.   The approximate total population anticipated in the entire development,
   c.   The proposed standards of height, open space, structural coverage, pedestrian and traffic circulation, and density within use areas;
   4.   For nonresidential uses:
   a.    Types of uses proposed within the entire area,
   b.   Anticipated employment base which may be stated as a range,
   c.   Methods proposed to control possible land use conflicts and environmental impacts,
   d.   The proposed structure heights, open space buffering, circulation, and parking/loading,
   e.   Pertinent social or economic characteristics of the development such as school enrollment, residence, employment, etc.;
   5.   A preliminary utilities report;
   6.   The location, area, and type of sites proposed for open space, recreational facilities, and public facilities;
   7.   The anticipated timing for each phase, if any, of the development. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 9718 § 2 (part), 1997: Ord. 9605 § 30 (part), 1996: prior code § 7414)