17.22.010   Purposes.
   A.   The two types of industrial zones included in this chapter are designed to achieve the following:
   1.   Encourage the location of new industries that do not generate substantial amounts of pollutant emissions, impacts on air quality, or other natural resources;
   2.   Ensure compatibility between industrial lands and adjacent dissimilar land uses;
   3.   Retain and strengthen the city's role as a regional manufacturing center in the Southern Central San Joaquin Valley;
   4.   Provide appropriate industrial areas to accommodate enterprises engaged in the manufacturing, processing, creating, repairing, renovating, painting, cleaning, or assembling of goods, merchandise or equipment;
   5.   Provide adequate space to meet the needs of industrial development, including off-street parking and loading;
   6.   Direct industrial uses to and encourage expansion of the northwest industrial areas;
   7.   Protect areas appropriate for industrial use from intrusion by dwellings and other conflicting uses;
   8.   Protect residential and commercial properties and nuisance-free nonhazardous industrial uses from noise, odor, dust, dirt, smoke, vibration, heat, glare, fire, explosion, noxious fumes, radiation and other hazards and objectionable influence incidental to certain industrial uses;
   9.   Preserve land designated for light and heavy industrial uses by limiting the intrusion of commercial or service commercial uses.
   B.   The purpose of the industrial land use zones are as follows:
   1.   Light Industrial Zone—( I-L). The purpose and intent of the Light Industrial zone district is to provide an area for uses that are characterized by low intensity research and development, warehousing and limited manufacturing and production, processing, assembling and packaging or treatment of food products from previously prepared materials. Uses that may restrict the operation of the above due to sensitivity to noise, truck traffic, etc., are not provided in this district.
   2.   Industrial Zone—( I). The purpose and intent of the Industrial zone district is to provide an area for uses that are characterized by the manufacturing, processing or assembling of semi-finished or finished products from raw materials. Uses that may restrict the operation of the above due to sensitivity to noise, truck traffic, etc., are not provided in this district. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: prior code § 7392)