17.02.050   Ambiguity.
   Except as otherwise expressly provided pursuant to other provisions of this title, if ambiguity arises concerning the appropriate classification of a particular use within the meaning and intent of this title, or with respect to height, yard requirements, area requirements or zone boundaries, as set forth herein and as they may pertain to unforeseen circumstances, including technological changes in processing of materials, it shall be the duty of the planning commission to ascertain all pertinent facts and by resolution, set forth its findings and interpretations, and thereafter such interpretations shall govern unless appealed to the city council pursuant to section 17.02.145. Upon review, such interpretation may be approved, disapproved or modified by the city council. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 2010-02 § 2, 2010: Ord. 2006-18 § 4, 2007: prior code § 7204)