17.02.145   Appeal to city council.
   Where the planning commission is authorized to make any decision pursuant to the provisions of Title 17 of the Visalia Municipal Code and that decision is to be subject to appeal to the city council, the following procedure shall apply.
   A.   The subdivider or any interested person adversely affected may, upon payment of an appeal fee as may be established by resolution of the Council, appeal any decision, determination or requirement of the planning commission by filing a notice thereof in writing with the city clerk, setting forth in detail the action and the grounds upon which the appeal is based within ten (10) days after the action that is the subject of the appeal. Such notice shall state specifically where it is claimed there was an error or abuse of discretion by the planning commission.
   B.   Upon the filing of an appeal, the city council shall set the matter for hearing. Such hearings shall be held within thirty (30) days after the date of filing the appeal or receipt of council member requests. The city clerk shall give notice of the hearing according to the procedure required for the initial action by the Planning Commission, except that the timing of such notice shall be not less than 10 days before the hearing.
   C.   In holding the hearing on the matter, the Council may receive any and all information pertinent to the matter, regardless of whether such information was first presented to the planning commission. In the case of decisions by the planning commission that followed a public hearing, the city council shall hold a new public hearing on the matter. Upon the close of the hearing, the Council shall vote to either confirm the decision of the planning commission, overturn the decision, or confirm the decision with modifications, and the Council may continue the item to the next meeting if necessary to direct staff to prepare a conforming resolution with findings, which shall be considered by the Council at the next scheduled Council meeting. In the case of a tie vote, the planning commission decision shall stand, and shall be considered final as of the date of the Council vote. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 2006-18 § 3, 2007)