16.32.040   Consideration of lot line adjustment maps.
   A.   1.   The city planner shall limit the review and approval of lot line adjustment maps to a determination of whether or not the parcels resulting from the lot line adjustment will conform to zoning and building ordinances. The city planner shall not impose conditions or exactions on the approval of the lot line adjustment except to conform to local zoning and building ordinances, or except to facilitate the relocation of existing utilities, infrastructure, or easements.
   2.   Whenever the city planner determines that conditions or exactions may be necessary in order to carry out the provisions of Section 16.32.040(B), he shall immediately refer the lot line adjustment map to the Site Plan Review Committee. The Site Plan Review Committee shall review the map and determine what conditions or exactions, if any, should be placed on the application. The Site Plan Review Committee shall not require any conditions or exactions on the lot line adjustment except to conform to local zoning and building ordinances, or except to facilitate the relocation of existing utilities, infrastructures or easements. The Site Plan Review Committee shall thereafter advise the city planner what conditions or exactions are to be required. If the Site Plan Review Committee determines that conditions or exactions are required, the committee shall determine at what time such conditions or exactions are to be fulfilled under the same provisions of this chapter as they apply to parcel maps. Agreements for fulfilling such conditions or exactions, security for such agreements and all other matters pertaining to such conditions or exactions shall also be governed by the same provisions of this chapter as they apply to parcel maps.
   B.   The city planner shall approve the proposed lot line adjustment whenever all of the following conditions are complied with:
   1.   The lots that will result from the proposed lot line adjustment conform to all the applicable zoning and building ordinances in effect and comply with regulations set forth in this chapter pertaining to size, shape and dimensions of lots in subdivisions for which tentative and final maps are required.
   2.   The proposed lot line adjustment will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the city.
   C.   In addition to any other basis for disapproval, the city planner may disapprove a lot line adjustment if he or she determines that there is no real relationship between the existing parcels and the proposed new parcels and that the proposal is more adequately processed as a merger and resubdivision pursuant to Section 66499.20-1/2 of the Government Code of the state of California.
   D.   1.   The city planner shall review the proposed lot line adjustment map and, within fifteen (15) days after the lot line adjustment map was filed, approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the lot line adjustment map. However, if the lot line adjustment map is referred to the Site Plan Review Committee, pursuant to Section 16.32.040, the city planner shall have thirty (30) days after the map was filed to take such action. Said time limits may be extended by mutual consent of the city planner and the applicant.
   2.   The city planner shall give written notice of his action to the applicant and to the affected city departments and to each public and private agency to which a copy of the lot line adjustment map was transmitted.
   E.   1.   If the city planner approved the lot line adjustment map, the written decision of the city planner approving the adjustment shall be filed for record with the county recorder. Such decision shall contain a legal description of each parcel resulting from the lot line adjustment and shall be recorded concurrently with the appropriate deed(s) or record of survey pursuant to Government Code Section 66412(d).
   2.   The lot line adjustment shall not be effective until the decision of the city planner approving the map has been recorded as set forth in subsection (E)(1) of this section. Said decision shall not be recorded until the appeal period specified in Section 16.32.050 has expired without an appeal having been filed or until the applicant waives his right to appeal, whichever occurs first. If an appeal is filed, said decision shall not be recorded until the termination of the appeal proceedings.
   3.   If conditions or exactions are required by the Site Plan Review Committee, the decision of the city planner shall not be recorded until the required conditions and exactions have been made fulfilled and, if required by the Site Plan Review Committee, an agreement with security is on file for fulfilling such conditions or exactions.
   4.   The recording of the decision of the city planner and subsequent deed(s) or record of survey shall supersede all prior recorded parcel maps, subdivision maps or other documents that create the superseded parcels and the boundaries created by the decision of the city planner shall prevail over the earlier recorded boundaries, and the recorded decision of the city planner shall so state. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 9605 § 32 (part), 1996: prior code § 9300)