13.04.010   Description.
   The landed areas and appurtenances hereinafter described, title to which is now vested in the city, are declared to be and to constitute, integrally, a public park, airport and aviation field, and shall be known as the "Visalia Municipal Airport." Said areas are situated within the county of Tulare, state of California, and are bounded and described as follows:
   That portion of Section 32 and 33 of Township 18 South, Range 24 East and also a portion of Sections 4 and 5 of Township 19 South, Range 24 East, M.D.B.&M. in the City of Visalia, County of Tulare, State of California described as follows:
   Beginning at a point on the East line of said Section 32, 169.12 feet South of Northeast corner of said section, said point being on the South right-of-way line of State Highway 198 (Date 1978); thence along said South right-of-way line of said State Highway 198 and the East right-of-way line of State Highway 99 (Date 1978), S 89 37'37" W, 370.02 feet; thence Southwesterly along the arc of a curve concave to the Southeast having a radius of 2927.00 feet said radial bearing S 0 22'23" E, to the center of said curve through a central angle of 3 56' 59", a distance 201.77 feet; thence continuing Southwesterly along the arc of a curve concave to the Southeast having a radius of 1727.00 feet, said radial bearing S 4 19'22" E, to the center of said curve, through a central angle of 13 09'07", a distance of 396.42 feet; thence S 66 05'54" W, 319.55 feet; thence S 6 06'19"W, 497.32 feet; thence Southwesterly along the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest having a radius of 365.00 feet, said radial bearing N 89 26'00"W, to the center of said curve, through a central angle of 32 50'58", a distance of 209.27 feet; thence N 56 35'02"W, 80.00 feet; thence Northeasterly along the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest having a radius of 285.00 feet, said radial bearing N 56 35'02"W, to the center of said curve, through a central angle of 32 50'58", a distance of 209.27 feet; thence N 56 35'02"W, 80.00 feet; thence Northeasterly along the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest having a radius of 285.00 feet, said radial bearing N 56 35'02"W, to the center of said curve, through a central angle of 32 50'58", a distance of 163.40 feet; thence N 4 25'05"W, 494.87 feet; thence N 71 56'31"W, 559.14 feet; thence Northwesterly along the arc of a curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 1927.00 feet, said radial bearing S 16 08'49"W, to the center of said curve, through a central angle of 11 14'15", a distance of 377.94 feet; thence N 85 05'26" W, 385.70 feet; thence N 89 57'34"W, 958.96 feet; thence S 87 39'49"W, 380.87 feet; thence S 83 53'43"W, 544.64 feet; thence S 67 23'57"W, 138.78 feet; thence Southeasterly along the arc of a curve concave to the Southeast having a radius 558.00 feet, said radial bearing S 22 36'03"E, to the center of said curve, through a central angle of 104 29'18", a distance of 1017.61 feet; thence S 37 05'21" E, 504.77 feet; thence S 34 13'37" E, 200.25 feet; thence S 37 05'21"E, 500.00 feet; thence S 39 22'47"E, 800.64 feet; thence S 34 38'18"E, 1110.87 feet; thence S 30 57'55"E, 320.28 feet; thence Southeasterly along the arc of a curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 5124.00 feet, said radial bearing S 59 02'05"W, to the center of said curve, through a central angle of 1 33'15", a distance of 138.99 feet; thence departing from said East right-of-way line of said State Highway 99, S 89 58'00"E, 68.78 feet to the East right-of-way line of the frontage road running along the East side of said State Highway 99 (50'wide); thence along the East right-of-way of said frontage road, Southwesterly along the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest having a radius of 5,184.00 feet, said radial bearing S 60 57'45"W, to the center of said curve, through a central angle of 15 02'36" a distance of 1361.09 feet; thence S 13 59'39"E, along said East right-of-way of said frontage road to the intersection with the South line of the North 651.50 feet of said Section 5; thence Easterly along the South line of said Section 5; thence Easterly along the South line of said North 651.50 feet of said Section 5 to a point on a line 750.00 feet Southwesterly and parallel with the prolongation of the center line of the Visalia Municipal Airport Main runway; thence Southeasterly 1018.30 feet, along said line being parallel with said runway, to a point on the East line of the West half of the West half of the Northwest quarter of said Section 4; thence Southerly along said East line 1284.95 feet to a point on the South line of said Northwest quarter of said Section 4, said point being the Southeast corner of the West half, of the West half of the West half of the Northwest quarter, of said Section 4; thence Easterly along the South line of said Northwest Quarter of said Section 4, to the Southeast corner of the West half of the East half of said Northwest quarter of said Section 4; thence Northerly to the Northeast corner of said West half of the East half of said Northwest quarter of said Section 4; thence Westerly to the Northwest corner of the East half, of said Northwest quarter, of said Section 4; thence Northerly along East line of the West half of the Southwest quarter of said Section 33 to a point 330.00 feet South of the Northeast corner of said West half of said Southwest quarter of said Section 33; thence Westerly parallel with the East line of the West half of said Southwest quarter of said Section 33, 330.00 feet; thence Easterly 415.42 feet to a point 20.00 feet West of the Northeast corner of said West half of said Southwest quarter of said Section 33, said point being on the West right-of-way line of Road 86 (40' wide); thence Northerly along said right-of-way of said Road 86 to the intersection with said South right-of-way of said State Highway 198; thence Westerly along said South right-of-way of said State Highway 198 to the point of beginning.
   Excepting therefrom Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map No. 1098 as recorded in Book 11 of Parcel Maps, Page 99, Tulare County Records, also excepting Airport Drive as shown on said Parcel Map No. 1098.
(Prior code § 2400)