11.01 Application
11.02 Definitions
11.03 General provisions
11.04 through 11.09 Reserved for future expansion
11.10 Establishment of districts
11.11 Zoning map
11.12 District boundary lines
11.13 District regulations
11.14 through 11.29 Reserved for future expansion
11.30 Special regulations
11.31 through 11.39 Reserved for future expansion
11.40 Performance standards
11.41 Blighting factors prohibited
11.42 through 11.49 Reserved for future expansion
11.50 Administration and enforcement
11.51 Establishment of dedicated park area
11.52 through 11.59 Reserved for future expansion
11.60 Planned unit development
11.61 through 11.98 Reserved for future expansion
11.99 Violation a misdemeanor