It is unlawful for any person to drive or operate a motorized vehicle on any public sidewalk or public property designated for use as a pedestrian walkway or bicycle trail, except when crossing the same for ingress and egress to private property lying on the other side thereof.
(A) It is unlawful for any person to operate or ride upon a skateboard, roller skates, roller skis or roller blades upon any sidewalk or street in the following areas:
(1) All of Chestnut Street (the downtown area); and
(2) The Public Library and its grounds located on Fifth Avenue and Second Street South.
(B) The use of the above modes of transportation are strictly prohibited at all times on the above listed streets and sidewalks adjacent thereto.
(C) It shall be the obligation of any person operating a skateboard, roller skates, roller blades or roller skis to yield the right of way to any pedestrian, giving an audible sign when necessary before overtaking and passing any pedestrian.
(D) Parents, guardians or any other adult in charge shall be held responsible for all damages or wrongful acts conducted by the minor in contravention of this code provision. It is unlawful for any such parent, guardian or adult in charge to permit a minor to ride or otherwise utilize a skateboard, roller skates, roller blades or roller skis if the minor violates the provisions of this section. It shall be no defense to the parent, guardian or adult in charge that he or she did not expressly allow the violation of this section or did not have knowledge of past or present violations. It is the intent of this section to require the parents, guardians or adults in charge to take adequate precautions to ensure that minors conform to the provisions of this section while operating the modes of transit listed within the city.
(E) This provision becomes effective upon its passage and publication according to law.
(Adopted 11-13-1990)
(A) Definition. For purposes of this section, the term SNOW EMERGENCY means a condition created on city streets because of the presence of snow, freezing rain, sleet or ice thereon or other natural phenomenon which creates or is likely to create hazardous road conditions or impedes or is likely to impede the free movement of fire, health, police, emergency or other vehicular traffic, when the emergency has been duly declared.
(B) Declaration of snow emergency. Whenever, in the opinion of the City Administrator or in his/her absence the Fire Chief and/or Police Chief an emergency exists, he or she may declare the emergency and cause an announcement thereof to be made to local news media, radio and social media.
(C) Beginning and duration of emergency.
(1) The emergency shall begin one hour after the announcement to news media.
(2) Once declared, the emergency shall remain in effect for the ensuing 72 hours, provided that the emergency may, in the same manner, be re-declared for subsequent like periods of time.
(D) Unlawful acts. During an emergency it is unlawful to park or leave standing any vehicle:
(1) On any street signposted in a manner similar to an emergency route;
(2) On that side of the street on which the addresses include odd-numbered buildings on such dates as are also odd-numbered; or
(3) On that side of the street on which the addresses include even-numbered buildings on such dates as are also even-numbered.
(E) Exceptions. This section shall not apply to the following:
(1) Persons in charge of wreckers or authorized emergency vehicles while actually servicing mechanical, fire, police or medical emergencies; or
(2) Any street when it has been fully and completely (curb-to-curb) cleared, sanded, salted or cleaned.
(F) Frequency. Due to the higher costs and expanded number of resources involved with a snow emergency it is with great prejudice that a snow emergency will be declared. This type of declaration should be reserved for extreme or severe weather situations.
(G) Towing authorized. As per M.S. § 168B.035, Subd 3. (B)(1), any vehicle which is left parked or standing on a public street designated as an Emergency Snow Route during a snow emergency in violation of this section is hereby declared a nuisance and shall be subject to a monetary fine as affixed by the City Council from time to time and may be subject to impounding. The owner of any vehicle impounded as a result of such nuisance shall be responsible for any and all cost related to the impounding of said vehicle. The fine imposed on a vehicle pursuant to this section shall not prevent or preclude the institution and prosecution of preceding for violations of this section against the vehicle owner.
(H) Notice of snow emergency parking provisions. Prior to November 1 of each year, the city shall publish in the official newspaper and on its official website the snow emergency parking provisions. The notice shall also be posted at City Hall at the time of publication.
(Ord. passed 3-23-2021)
Every person violates a section, division, paragraph or provision of this chapter when he or she performs an act thereby prohibited or declared unlawful, or fails to act when the failure is thereby prohibited or declared unlawful and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as follows.
(A) Where the specific section, division, paragraph or provision specifically makes violation a misdemeanor, he or she shall be punished as for a misdemeanor; where a violation is committed in a manner or under circumstances so as to endanger or be likely to endanger any person or property, he or she shall be punished as for a misdemeanor; where he or she stands convicted of violation of any provision of this chapter, exclusive of violations relating to the standing or parking of an unattended vehicle, within the immediate preceding 12-month period for the third or subsequent time, he or she shall be punished as for a misdemeanor.
(B) As to any violation not constituting a misdemeanor under the provisions of division (A) above, he or she shall be punished as for a petty misdemeanor.