General Provisions
   53.001   Authority and title
   53.002   Background
   53.003   Findings
   53.004   Purpose
   53.005   Abbreviations and definitions
   53.006   Responsibility for administration
   53.007   Conflicting ordinances
   53.008   Interpretation
   53.009   Severability
   53.010   Disclaimer of liability
Prohibited Discharges and Connections
   53.020   Applicability and exemptions
   53.021    Prohibited discharges and connections
   53.022    Exempted discharges and connections
   53.023    Storage of hazardous or toxic material
   53.024    Private property maintenance duties
   53.025   Spill reporting
   53.026   Inspections and monitoring
Stormwater Pollution Prevention for Construction Sites
   53.040   Applicability and exemptions
   53.041   Policy on stormwater pollution prevention
   53.042   Calculations and design standards and specifications
   53.043   Inspection, maintenance, record keeping and reporting
Stormwater Quality Management for Post-Construction
   53.050   Applicability and exemptions
   53.051   Policy on stormwater quality management
   53.052   Calculations and design standards and specifications
   53.053   Easement requirements
   53.054   Inspection, maintenance, record keeping and reporting
Stormwater Quantity Management
   53.060   Applicability and exemptions
   53.061   Stormwater control policy
Fees and Assurances
   53.070   Fees
   53.071   Assurances
   53.080   Compliance with chapter
   53.081   Stop work order
   53.082   Failure to comply or complete
   53.083   Suspension of access to the storm drainage system
   53.084   Corrective action
   53.085   Appeals
Stormwater Utility Fee
   53.100   Stormwater utility fee; rights and responsibilities of property owner
   53.101   Design of stormwater utility fee
   53.102   Stormwater utility fee for residential property
   53.103   Stormwater utility fee for non-residential property
   53.104   Rounding of ERU and stormwater utility fees
   53.105   Payment and collection
   53.106   Appeals of ERU determination of non-residential property
   53.107   Consolidation of contiguous parcels
   53.108   Stormwater Fund
   53.999   Penalty