(A) Definition. For the purposes of this section, PUBLIC PROPERTY shall include the public lighting system in the city, whether upon the streets or in the parks or cemeteries of the city. It shall also include all monuments, markers, signs, trees, shrubs, flowers, lawns, buildings, structures, plumbing fixtures and any other property of any kind whatsoever belonging to, installed by or maintained by the general public by taxation through any of its different agencies of government, whether city, township, county, state or national.
(B) No person shall injure, deface, disfigure, displace, mar, break or destroy, or attempt to injure, deface, disfigure, displace, mar, break or destroy any public property in the city of any kind whatsoever, whether such property is owned by the city, the Board of Education, Vincennes Township, Knox County, the State of Indiana or the United States government.
('71 Code, § 96.01) Penalty, see § 130.99
(A) Definition. For the purpose of this section, a TEST or DRILL shall mean any test or drill which has been duly called by the national or state civil defense departments, but in no event shall include a test or drill called by local authorities.
(B) During a civil defense emergency, or a duly authorized civil defense test or drill, no person shall violate or disobey any duly promulgated regulation or order during that emergency, test of drill or willfully violate or disobey any official order by a duly authorized person concerning the conduct of civilians, the movement and cessation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic or the taking of shelter in designated shelter areas.
('71 Code, § 98.04) Penalty, see § 130.99
(A) The building and maintaining of partition fences between lots within the city is a common nuisance and is dangerous to individuals, particularly children, and the same is prohibited.
('71 Code, § 95.01)
(B) No property owner or any person who has the control and management of any property within the city shall build, erect or maintain a barbed wire fence on any city lot.
('71 Code, § 95.02)
(C) The Chief of Police or the City Inspector is authorized and directed to serve a written notice on any person now having and maintaining a barbed wire fence on city lots to remove the same within ten days from the service of that notice.
('71 Code, § 95.03)
(A) Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
AIR GUN. Any gun or device, by whatever name know, which is designed to expel or propel a projectile, pellet or missile, leaden or otherwise, by the action of compressed air or gas, or by the action of a spring or elastic, but does not mean a firearm.
BOWS. Any device, by whatever name know, which is designed to support any missile or arrow and which hurls, throws or flings the same by the expanding or flexing of any part of the apparatus, but does not mean a firearm.
SLING SHOT. Any device, by whatever name known, which is designed to support stones, pellets or missiles, and by hand, hurling, throwing, and flinging the same by stretching and releasing elastic bands, but does not mean a firearm.
('71 Code, § 98.05)
(B) No person, regardless of age, shall shoot within the city any gun commonly known as an air gun or any type of mechanical gun that shoots, expels or propels pellets, missiles or projectiles, leaden or otherwise, and no person shall hurl or fling missiles, pellets or stones by means of a sling shot or bow.
('71 Code, § 98.06)
(C) No person under the age of 16 years shall carry any air gun, sling shot or bow on the streets, alleys, public roads or public places within the city unless accompanied by an adult, parent or guardian. Any violation of this division by a child under the age of 16 years shall be considered an act of delinquency on the part of that child, in which case the Chief of Police shall report the case to the juvenile court.
('71 Code, § 98.07)
(Ord. 37-58, passed 7-10-78) Penalty, see § 130.99