(A)   Permits required by § 150.07 hereof shall be issued upon prior payment of inspection and permit fees according to the following schedule:
Type of Construction
Permit Fees
Type of Construction
Permit Fees
Accessory buildings and structures
$25 each
Additional (all occupancies)
$40 each
Alterations (all occupancies)
$40 each
Business, commercial
$120, plus 0.0015 times the total construction cost with $1,500 maximum
Educational, commercial
$100, plus 0.001 times the total construction cost with $1,000 maximum
Industrial, warehouse, bulk storage
$100, plus 0.0005 time the total construction with $500 maximum
Mobile homes, temporary structures
$40 each
Multi-family dwelling, hotels, motels
$100 first unit, $30 each unit 2-10, $20 each unit over ten units
Nursing homes
$60 each unit
Pole barns (in agriculture districts)
$10 (in non-agriculture districts: $40)
Re-inspection, additional inspection
$25 each
Single-family dwelling
Swimming pools (in ground)
$60 (above ground and exceeding 250 square feel in area: $25)
Two-family dwelling
   (B)   All work done under any permit issued hereunder shall be in full compliance with all other ordinances pertaining thereto, and in addition to the fees for permits hereinafter provided for, there shall be paid the fees prescribed in such ordinances.
(Prior Code, § XII.1)