(A) Any person violating any provisions of this chapter, for which no specific penalty is prescribed, shall be subject to § 10.99.
(B) (1) If any person, firm, or corporation shall violate any of the provisions of §§ 150.01 through 150.18, or shall do any act prohibited herein, or shall fail to perform any duty lawfully enjoined, within the time prescribed by the Building Commissioner, or shall fail, neglect, or refuse to obey any lawful order given by the Building Commissioner in connection with the provisions of §§ 150.01 through 150.18, for each violation, failure, or refusal, such person, firm, or corporation shall be subject to one or more of the following penalty provisions:
(2) Any violation of §§ 150.01 through 150.18 shall constitute a Class A infraction; for all violations prosecuted under this section, the prosecuting attorney shall represent the Building Commissioner; the remedies set forth in this section are not mutually exclusive; and the Building Commissioner may pursue any or all remedies set forth in divisions (B)(1)(a), (B)(1)(b), or (B)(1)(c) above.
(Prior Code, § XII.1)