(a)    The Ohio EPA Permits prohibit discharges of anything but storm water to the storm drains. City of Vermilion personnel will inspect the facility to be sure no unauthorized discharges enter storm drains or discharge offsite. Connections that allow sanitary or any sort of wastewater to enter the storm drain are prohibited, including storm drain connections from indoor drains or sinks. These are known as illicit connections and must be eliminated.
   (b)   Another form of prohibited discharge is illegal dumping. Pollutants may be introduced to storm drains inadvertently, by routine practices that discharge water outdoors, or they may be released intentionally by routinely discharging wastes, wash water, and other materials to storm drains, catch basins, and other conveyance facilities either on the facility or in the street. A large part of this improper discharge results from employees’ lack of understanding, coupled with a lack of readily available proper routes for the discharge. Continuing employee training will be needed as described in Section 1084.03.
   (c)   The City of Vermilion will make a long-term ongoing effort to assure that no illegal discharges will occur from municipal operations at the facility. This requires continuing observations to identify potential sources of intentional or inadvertent illicit discharges. Efforts will be made to discontinue or re-route the storm water from those activities.
   (d)   The following measures to help prevent non-storm water discharges will be implemented:
      (1)   Provide well-marked proper disposal or collection methods for solid or liquid waste.
      (2)   Train employees in proper disposal of non-storm water. Employees will be educated to understand that storm drains connect directly to streams and other water bodies without treatment.
      (3)   Label all storm drain inlets and catch basins "No dumping-flows to streams" so employees can tell which inlets are part of the storm drain system.
      (4)   Periodically inspect and maintain the facility operations and BMPS to evaluate the success of efforts to reduce and eliminate non-storm water discharges.
      (5)   Periodically inspect and maintain storm drain inlets. Clean out catch basins so that accumulated pollutants do not wash down the storm drains.
         (Ord. 2011-44. Passed 8-1-11.)