(a) Successful storm water pollution control relies in large part of proper training and education of employees. Many of the recommended BMPs in this PPGHP will require specific training for employees who conduct the activities. It is essential that employees understand and implement the BMPs that apply to operations within each facility. Training can be completed separately or done in conjunction with regular employee training procedures.
(b) Employee training will emphasize the importance of keeping pollutants out of the storm drains, because the drains go directly to the surface waters of the State without benefit of wastewater treatment that the sanitary sewers receive. Facility personnel will be educated about the harmful environmental effects of improper disposal of materials into the storm drain so that they understand the importance of preventing storm water pollution.
(c) The following training will be implemented by the City of Vermilion:
(1) Experienced workers or other trained personnel will be used to train facility employees.
(2) Training will be completed and documented once per year for all appropriate personnel.
(3) New personnel will be required to review and understand this document prior to initiating work activities.
(Ord. 2011-44. Passed 8-1-11.)