   An applicant/provider shall deposit with the City of Vermilion a refundable application review deposit in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000). Fees, as determined to be the actual costs for engineering, site review, and contracted agents retained in processing and reviewing the application, shall be deducted from such deposit for the purpose of reimbursing the public for the time incurred and the skills employed by officials as set forth by the Director of Public Finance of the City of Vermilion. This is in addition to the Planning Commission (zoning certificate) and the Zoning Board of Appeals (conditional use variance) fees as required by the provisions of this Planning and Zoning Code for site plan review to process an application to locate a tower, antenna, or related wireless telecommunications facility in Vermilion. All funds remaining from said deposit shall be refunded to the applicant/provider at the direction of the Director of Public Finance of the City of Vermilion.
(Ord. 99-46. Passed 10-24-99.)